A stealthy assasin type class. Goes around in a sort of "stealth mode" then pops up out of no where and deals beaucoup damage. Has low armor and must rely on its instict skills or dexterity to stay alive. I always thought that this was something GW was really missing - the ranger really doesn't fit into the rogue category, so hey, why not have one.
Assasin: Affects the damage dealt and the probably of an opponent dying or losing 50% health by certain skills
Stealth: Affects the duration of "stealth mode" and the effects of certain skills that only work in stealth mode
Instinct: Affects certain countermeasure and dodge abilities that allow rogues to survive despite their weak natural defense
*Bonus Attribute* Dexterity: Passively increases the armor bonus rogues recieve, making them harder to kill. Affects certain specific powerful skills based on defense and such.
Okay, just a warning for the next class. I already know that GW basically has no technology, so many people might find the mere concept of an "Engineer" class in GW unbelievably stupid. I know this. Yet, I'm also for some reason strangely drawn to the idea, so I'm willing to be flamed for posting it.
Basically a technology related class that uses powerful but slow weapons, like guns or hand held cannons. Can set traps such as mines, and set them off from a distance using the special skill "detonate." Unlike the armor weak rogue, the engineer would be well armored, but slow.
Mechanics: Affects the creation and power of engineer created robots that act like undead minions, only these don't lose health over time and instead can only be straight killed by attacks. Often times robots will have special abilities themselves, like exploding upon reaching an enemy.
Chemistry: Affects traps that don't fit into the eplosives category, such as traps that use acid or create a toxic haze around the enemy who sets it off.
Explosives: Affects traps that explode, and allows for special gernade like AoE attacks.
Gun Mastery: Passively increases the damage that the engineer deals with guns. Affects skills that use guns.
*Bonus Attribute* Technology: Passively increases the health of the engineer. Affects skills such as "detonate", which allows for the explosion of engineer traps from a distance or "gear head" which allows for engineer skills to be done much faster.
Please, feel free to say whatever you think about these ideas. If you don't like 'em, that's okay, but if you do like 'em, that's great!