I LOVE GUILD WARS!!!!!!! I waited for months and months, talked it up to all my friends (convincing five of them to buy it). We all got together and created a guild. We killed the game for a few months and suddenly members in our guild stopped playing the game. I wondered why, so contacted them (since we all live in the same city) and found out they had the same problems with the game that I had. We are experienced MMORPG players, dating back to the days of Diablo, to modern FFXI & WoW. Guild Wars was the reason I stopped playing the other MMORPG's, because it was a unique gaming experience. The Storyline is great, the graphics are incredible, and the monster builds unbelievable, infact that was what turned me onto GuildWars in the first place.
But as time moved on I started to dislike the game as a whole because it seemed more time was spent on the visuals and PvP, and the Roleplaying aspect got neglected. Not in the way of storyline but game play. So here are a few suggestions that were discussed by departed GW players and myself.
1. There is nothing worse in the fantasy world than overkill. When you as the hero is wading through enemy's taking zero damage, and killing creatures in one hit, or being ambushed time and time again untill you are dead, because you had to move further down the map to get to an enemy that has a ranged weapon, which causes another group to aggroyour already battered body.
There is currently an xp system that awards a specific amout of xp based on the lvl difference of the hero and the monster. A creature six lvl's below you awards no experience points, SO THEY SHOULD NOT AGGRO THE HERO. The most Annoying thing in the world is running through an area and getting stopped over and over again by the most pathetic of creatures that should be bowing down to the power our hero's radiate, and getting nothing out of it. if I can kill an enemy in one hit, then it should stay underground where it belongs, and if it takes time to kill them for no reward it becomes frustrating and boring. Yes I understand everything is hostile because they want to deatroy the humans, but I find it hard to believe that every creature has superior morale, and a death wish. And I do not feel killing everything is beneficial to obtaining wealth, you know what creatures drop after you kill a few of them. We should have a choice whether or not we want to kill a weak creature then be forced to fight. Also creatures with ranged weapons always stay out of range of the main battle (but hey they are archers and sorceres they are supposed to) but what suck is, on the mini map you have the marker that is the hero and a circle radius, when ever you move up to kill the ranged creature, your agression circle always pulls new enemys into the battle, and if they are high lvl creatures and you're running around with Henchmen the chance of death is high. I suggest the ranged creatures move up closer to the battle so they are still in the rear of the melee but out or range of other mobs.
I bring this up because there are many times when you have to go back to low lvl areas for quests or items, to escort someone somewhere, or just to visit a city you may have missed. The creatures should know when they are outmatched and only fight if they have to (which is if we attack them). Now this in no way should apply to Missions, because the creatures are what blocks your path to victory! But in the world map I feel it needs to be changed.
2. It was mention before so I wont go into detail, there needs to be an auction house.
3. A "checking system" for PvP. You click on the hero's name, and you click the "check tab." this would bring up the top part of the hero box (So everything shown when you press "i", in the spot above the backpack and bag icons). The "check" would show the lvl and class of the opponent plus any gear they have on. Just the name and picture of the weapon/armor, not the specifics, cause you still wanna have a degree of secrecy when playing PvP. I hate clicking on the person to see the class and lvl, only to start running towards them, then back to where you were, then move onto the next person.
4. Slower animations. Not movement itself, but the fighting animations. The graphics on the creatures is amazing, but when you are fighting and you zoom into the battle all you see is arms, weapons and flashes, there is no time to take in the great art, and animation I am sure the animators put alot of time into getting right. Like I said, I bought Guild wars based on screenshots and renderings of creatures and hero's, but the more I play and explore, the more I feel I am missing out on what turned me onto the game in the first place, the art work.
5. It would be cool if there were practice halls. Similar to a guild hall, one attached to each main arena (an entrace in the waiting area of the arena.) This spot is where you could have one on one, non ranked duels to test out skill comobinations. Allow skills to be accessed in the practice area so they can be changed freely. You would ask another person of a "target class" (one you want to target in PvP based on your build. So if I was War/Mo and I wanted to test skill combos against Monks, I would ask a monk to practice with me) in the practise hall to join you to test out skill.
6. My last and final suggestion is CAMPING!!!!!!!!! Ths is when you have a party together and there is large group of creatures in the way, but spaced out enough that you wont attract them all to your group. But because creatures have migration patterns you dont want to just rush the first group because the other might move into range. Camping is when the party stays in one place and another member runs out to "pull" the first group of creatures back to your "camp", when the first group is killed you then get the next group, and so on till the patch is clear. There is a loose way of doing this already but because the ranged units dont move up you cant pull the whole group of monsters, and end up getting aggroed anyhow. All creatures also link so this also makes it difficult, creatures should only link when they can physically see you, and not when other creatures are coming to fight you. This is the only way true camping can work.
I Thank ArenaNet for listening to all suggestions put forth in this forum by all members, This type of open minded game engineering is a breakthrough in the video game industry, and any company that follows in your footsteps will forever change the evolution of the gaming industry, and continue to produce quality solid games that people will actually feel good about buying and playing.
Suggestions on gameplay
in regards to #6, an organized party already does this.