Last night after a new build of guildwars... one can no longer zoom in all the way to first person view.
How am I going to enjoy the enviorment that GW offered without first person view? =( Yes, I actually do stand there just look around in first person view... just not during battle.
(not at home right now) Is the first person view back yet? Or will it remain gone...?
Sigh, whenever I would actually take a screenshot... I usually don't want to have any human looking figure in there. =(
First Person View is gone...??
Vermilion Okeanos
first person view is working fine for me?
Jia Xu
make sure its not something to do with scenery clipping etc. or that you have an option turned off or something - it works fine for everyone i just asked in IRC, so i can't really help you more than that, sorry.
I thought it just didn't work in town. I never go into 1st person unless it's an accident (zoom too far in), noticed today it wasn't working in town, but worked elsewhere. May just be a glitch.
Vermilion Okeanos
So it is only "cant do it in town"..? Sounds good
Pretty sure I can zoom into first person view even in town before...
Pretty sure I can zoom into first person view even in town before...
I dunno, it may have just been that one time in town for me, as I said I don't use it so I only noticed it not working because I accidently spun my zoom wheel too hard and noticed it stopped and wouldn't switch to 1st person. I also accidently went into 1st person outside of town an hour later.
I couldn't go first person yesterday with a warrior, but had no problems today with an elementalist. Maybe it was just a temporary build failure.