I myself have been one to use Quickening Zephyr and ONLY Quickening Zephyr, for my interrupting ranger. Most builds I have played with need QZ and thrive off of it, but now, the only build I can see that is of any use is a Smite Build. When maxed out (12 Wilderness Survival), QZ lasts 45 seconds. What is that? I can't even reach the enemy before QZ dies out. Also, I find it kind of useless for QZ to be 25 energy. With 12 into expertise, it's really just 12 energy, which recharges by the time your finished casting. I'm not saying that Blizzard should revert back, and I'm not whining, I'm just letting you guys know that it's a useless skill to bring into battle with you. Hopefully this will save you a waste of a skill whilst doing an HoH run.
- mind freeze
QZ? Useless?
Mind Frz
Bingley Joe
Oh crap!! Is Blizzard nerfing our skills now??
Simply use QZ while in the midst of battle.
I doubt the other team will be going directly after you as soon as you engage.
Wouldn't it be alot more effective if it was used on a team that didn't know it was going to be dropped?
Just random thoughts..
I doubt the other team will be going directly after you as soon as you engage.
Wouldn't it be alot more effective if it was used on a team that didn't know it was going to be dropped?
Just random thoughts..
I myself don't see the reason why they had to nerf it so harshly... I've never really found QZ to be much of a problem.
Mercury Angel
Half recharge times is an extremely potent effect for your entire party, let alone yourself.
Look at Glyph of Renewal {E}-
5 cost, only effect spells, it's elite, and it has an annoyingly long recharge.
Even though it does effect the enemy party, the additional energy cost can really mess them up. Ever tried to pay for a 25 cost spell that suddenly costs 33?
Aside from that, Quickening Zephyr could break far too many skills with ease, that weren't meant to recharge so quickly, and because it lasted long enough, and was cheap enough, together with Oath Shot, it made up a huge part of the spirit spam phenomenon, doubling the amount of spirits you could put down, pretty much.
25 was chosen over the 15 generally reserved for powerful, not not overtly so, skills most likely because of Expertise discounting it. Now, the cheapest most people are going to lay it down for is 12.
What I'm hoping is that the levels of the spirits, and related AL and health, are buffed to rebalance their usefulness, in light of the change to Fertile and other spirits, and then the inability to place more than one. Spamming huge amounts of each spirit was pretty much the only way to actually keep the effect on the field, because otherwise, people would hit your spirit just 3 times, and it'd go bye-bye.
Look at Glyph of Renewal {E}-
5 cost, only effect spells, it's elite, and it has an annoyingly long recharge.
Even though it does effect the enemy party, the additional energy cost can really mess them up. Ever tried to pay for a 25 cost spell that suddenly costs 33?
Aside from that, Quickening Zephyr could break far too many skills with ease, that weren't meant to recharge so quickly, and because it lasted long enough, and was cheap enough, together with Oath Shot, it made up a huge part of the spirit spam phenomenon, doubling the amount of spirits you could put down, pretty much.
25 was chosen over the 15 generally reserved for powerful, not not overtly so, skills most likely because of Expertise discounting it. Now, the cheapest most people are going to lay it down for is 12.
What I'm hoping is that the levels of the spirits, and related AL and health, are buffed to rebalance their usefulness, in light of the change to Fertile and other spirits, and then the inability to place more than one. Spamming huge amounts of each spirit was pretty much the only way to actually keep the effect on the field, because otherwise, people would hit your spirit just 3 times, and it'd go bye-bye.

Originally Posted by Mind Frz
When maxed out (12 Wilderness Survival), QZ lasts 45 seconds. What is that? I can't even reach the enemy before QZ dies out. Also, I find it kind of useless for QZ to be 25 energy. With 12 into expertise, it's really just 12 energy, which recharges by the time your finished casting. I'm not saying that Blizzard should revert back, and I'm not whining,
- 12 is not max. 16 is max.
- If you can't reach the enemy in time then cast it later.
- Secondary Rangers can't use Expertise to reduce the 25e burden.
- Blizzard has nothing to do with this game.
Well, I've played with not spirit *spam* groups, full of rangers, as a protection monk. They only had 4 or 5 up at a time and never copies. All were useful for us, but didn't stop other teams from whoopin our asses. My gripe is... I spent so long using my Monk under that, that without it, I feel useless, because it was so helpful with my Mo/N and OoB...