Occassionally someone dies even though healers try our best to keep them alive. The reason I like this spell the most is not for what it does but reactions after the battle.
Some people have no idea this spell exists. So they go from dead to instantly alive and play out the battle.
The fun part comes after I turn off the enchant and they drop dead. I like to wait until they take their first step in any direction so they fall flat on their face.
Usually the chat mode says things like:
1. wtf
2. what kinda enemy was that with delay kill
3. Stupid game killed me for no reason
Anyone who knows the spell usually gets a good laugh as we rez the person, and explain it to them.
Just one more way to entertain yourself when not staring at the life meters.
Unyielding Aura - Why I love you
Son of Mooky
I do that on my monk sometimes. The first time I saw that spell (I saw the enchantment after the isntant res), I started crying. It is a thing of beauty, although all you have to do to kill the one res'd is to kill the monk. That spell, along with a few others, notably Necro summons, were made for fun!
On my necro, I will go into missions, summon about 20 bone fiends, get near allies, then use sacrifices to insta-kill me. They all drop down dead in a few seconds, with pretty much the same responses as you noted.