wow, today was great..i leveled to 8 in about 6 hours playing time (maybe 7) and yeah, its wonderful..but the lag...i couldnt move a lot of the time around 4-6 PM PST

i was getting some lag today... i just got to the Old Ascalon/New Ascalon place =D.... but it was lagging pretty bad there!
Ya, yesterday was great, no lag at all. Then around the start of prime time today I got massive lag, which is why I'm not playing ATM. The lag started right before I would have finished a long mission, caused me to fall behind the guy I was supposed to protect and he wandered off alone and died.
Grrr ! Sometimes I think my copy will never get here

Chance Folly
It's the launch day. Many MMOs had MUCH worse launch days; we probally should consider ourselves lucky. But the lag will go down. It always does on MMOs.
You're welcome. And yeah, the lag was horrid. :P
i never lag. I move around prefectly except sometimes when i run to close to and object (like a wal) I get the "rubbre band effect"
i had maybe 5-10 minutes of lag time but none other than that

Originally Posted by $hade.
i never lag. I move around prefectly except sometimes when i run to close to and object (like a wal) I get the "rubbre band effect"
Also, what's a wal? is that what they sell at Wal Mart? Your post is plagued by typos, you should re-read it before you submit it next time.
Devil's Dictionary
Don't ask too much from someone with a dollar-sign in their name.
this lag ain't bad compared to some other games. I don't think it's even that laggy.
Well if it does lag, ArenaNet is fixing things helluva quickly.
It used to lag quite a fair bit in the Europe districts on the 27th, and there weren't even THAT many Ascalon City and Ashford Abbey districts.
Yesterday, there were 40 Ascalon City and 21 Ashford Abbey pre-searing districts. It didn't lag one bit for several hours. Nice wave of newbies though
It used to lag quite a fair bit in the Europe districts on the 27th, and there weren't even THAT many Ascalon City and Ashford Abbey districts.
Yesterday, there were 40 Ascalon City and 21 Ashford Abbey pre-searing districts. It didn't lag one bit for several hours. Nice wave of newbies though

Originally Posted by spiritofcat
Also, what's a wal? is that wahat they sell at Wal Mart? Your post is plagued by typos, you should re-read it before you submit it next time.
I get no lag what-so-ever.
There was a serious spike of lag earlier today. My group was at the end of a mission, then the lag hit. Next thing we knew, we were all dead. And when we got back to the outpost, we found out we weren't the only ones who got hit by the lag. But oh well. It happens and we moved on anyways

I have to say, I was started launch dates for Starwars Galaxies and World of Warcraft and I think Guild Wars has started off with a good hitch. I just currently left SWG this week cause they released a patch that changed the way the whole game played. When Guild Wars came out yesterday and I heard my fave developers that started Blizzard back in the day, started Arenanet, I had to play. Awesome game! =D =D =D
Originally Posted by Lamaros
My bold. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Jia Xu
Originally Posted by Uttar
Well if it does lag, ArenaNet is fixing things helluva quickly.
It used to lag quite a fair bit in the Europe districts on the 27th, and there weren't even THAT many Ascalon City and Ashford Abbey districts. Yesterday, there were 40 Ascalon City and 21 Ashford Abbey pre-searing districts. It didn't lag one bit for several hours. Nice wave of newbies though ![]() Uttar |
^^ so true! I was at several other "server openings" - compared to them, the GW launch was smooth as......
I lagged a small ammount, like once or twice in a second, but that was all. What's your guys internet connection? I'm on 2mbps, maybe that helps?
If you get lag, I've read that using the "click mouse to move to a location" is the method to move your character that is most sensitive to lag / rubberbanding. Other methods you may wish to try out is to start using the WASD keys or at least keeping your left mouse button depressed (and not click). So it may be a tip if you don't already play like that.
Yeah I probably wil never use the click to move thing. Just too many years of WASD to unlearn. OTOH the one thing I will never get used to is not being able to jump. I keep hitting the space bar and end up running back to an NPC.
Old dogs and tricks and all that...
Old dogs and tricks and all that...

Havent really lagged much at all, think I rubberbanded once maybe twice. One thing is for sure, launch was a hell of a lot better than most MMOs that come out. Still have fond memories of launch day and having the server crash.....about every ten minutes...I wont mention names, you know who you are!
Originally Posted by Discord
Yeah I probably wil never use the click to move thing. Just too many years of WASD to unlearn. OTOH the one thing I will never get used to is not being able to jump. I keep hitting the space bar and end up running back to an NPC.
Old dogs and tricks and all that... ![]() |
I had one very noticible lag spike that lasted about 6 seconds while i was in a mission. My entire group (6 of us) all experienced it. Fortunately we werent fighting at the time. Other than that i really didnt notice any other lag. The rubber band effect is something i really dislike, but it happened even in the alpha when there was nearly no server load, so its definately not a bandwidth issue. I'm pretty pleased with the launch.
My bad, I was downloading from 5-9 last night just to get to the city. Thankfully the rest of the areas take less than 20 minutes to download on dial up. It was the only way I could play.
I did get a rubberbanding 3-4 times when I played but the combat didn't suffer nor did I for the effect. Not too shabby for dial up and MMORPG.