Buying platinum online.
I ran accross some websites that offered like 500 platinum for $10 or something. If I bought some, would I get it, or is it a scam?
youd probably get it but that takes all the fun out of the game....with money anything is possible....its just a matter of comming about it....but if youd still like to get the $$ then ive seen plenty of ads on ebay where they meet u in all....but just be careful...something like that seems kinda illegal for areanet to allow
Yup, ANet holds the right to close your account if they catch you doing that.
not to mention the very real possibility that the money is duped, and as such would be magically deleted if/when anet found out about it.
Divine Elemental
another guy who mainly can be called a EBAYEWR
and yes they can shut u down if caught
another guy who mainly can be called a EBAYEWR
and yes they can shut u down if caught
i hope divine isnt talkin about me because im happy with my 420 gold still stuck in fort ranik lol.....but i do agree....ebay gold is fools gold....takes the whole element out of the game
Divine Elemental
Originally Posted by Hemiipowered
i hope divine isnt talkin about me because im happy with my 420 gold still stuck in fort ranik lol.....but i do agree....ebay gold is fools gold....takes the whole element out of the game
i like noobs
i have like some noob friends from the past who are now freakign rank 6 or either richer than me....
i help as much as i can
item/gold/plat wise that i can give ^^ when theyre rich they give me somethin too
gold/high rank friends so yea
if u ever need any help
when im online PM me
and yes ebay gold is fools gold
Puddin Tame
It's like in Pirates of the Carribean, where they take the gold things and are cursed for eternity.
I think it kind of ruins the whole game if you got money/stuff offline. Why are you playing the game then if you're just going to cheat? *blink* Half the fun is working for the stuff you want *naive*
it's the never-ending struggle of the epenis. i have more gold than you, that means i'm cool.
Does that mean I have epenis envy?!! :O