Has been happening (to me at least??) all the dang time for the last week, maybe two (possibly even longer, but this is when I noticed it). It makes it near impossible to use my monk for actual PvP, and certainly makes PvE harder as well. I don't even want to GvG until it gets fixed.
Check it out.
(Sorry about the crappy color, I saved it in Paint to auto-compress it, and it wacked the colors out)

If you didn't notice...I have 13 energy trying to cast the 5 energy spell Mend Ailment. It says "Not enough energy." Please...I think that's more than enough.

It seems to start off not so bad (requiring 6, then 7, etc), and builds up and up. VERY FRUSTRATING. It does NOT cost more [6, 7, etc] to cast, but only requires that you have an energy pool higher than stated requirements for that skill.
This bug effects all energy-requiring skills (for MONKS and MESMERS at the very least, I have no other spell-casters in which to test).
I have no other issues with GW, I have cable internet which is surprisingly fast, I run no programs alongside GW (besides winamp), my comp is up to date, no virus', etc., etc. It's just that this bug that prevents me from doing much of anything with skills and spells after a little bit of time. And it doesn't take long to get pretty ridiculous...note the 3:50 match time.
I'm in the dark here, and very surprised nobody else has brought this problem to light.