Question on Minotaurs (N.Shiverpeaks)




Join Date: May 2005


Just wondering - do the Minotaurs in northern Shiverpeaks have self-healing? and/or healed by Shadow damage?

I'm asking because I just did the Frost Gate mission with my N/Mo and was perplexed when I cast an attack spell on a minotaur and it got healed instead of damaged. This wasn't a regular ovccurance, and I wasn't lagging either..

I also noticed times when my spells had no seeming effect on them at all. Again I don't believe it was lag as I wasn't lagging in any manner that I could see...

Just made it frustrating when some Minotaurs were dead easy to kill .. while others took 2-3 shots of spells to kill - and these were same level minotaurs.. and the only skill I ever saw them use was "bulls Charge".. I kept an eye for any skills they use... so unless they have a stance which negates Shadow damage... or a hidden healing power... then I'm perplexed as to why they were sometimes healed by my spells...

Oh and there weren't any Dolk Riders or Monk bosses around either to heal them...

So makes me wonder... was I just having a buggy time? laggy and ddin't realize it even tho nothing else was lagged? (lag wouldn't explain being healed for approx the amount they should of been hurt by tho...) or do minotaurs get healed sometimes by shadow damage and sometimes not?...

heh.. this issue caused a complete wipe on my 1st attempt too... I just couldn't kill anything.. i'd cast and cast and cast and they would take ages to die.. then the next one would die in 5 secoinds flat to the same spells.. then the next took ages... then I died.. and re-started :P.. 2nd run through was better and experienced less of this.. but still had some minotaurs healed by damage spells and take longer than others of the same level because of it... *sighs*

Shifty Geezer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

The Luckless Marauders [OOPS]


My N/R easily mashed Minotaurs with necro spells including Dark Swarm. If they do heal it's only by a healing signet so it's obvious.

Last night we had some wierd bugs. I couldn't move though the game wasn;t frozen, my friend was losing energy instantly but a look at the Reed Stalkers showed they weren't casting any energy drain spells from what I could see, and another friend was shooting people and doing no damage. That was the Temple of Ages quest (Lost Gods I think). Our second attempt we cruised through the mission. Dunno if the game has 'off' days where nothing works properly?




Join Date: May 2005


I guess it's just a "bug" .. probably should write a report about it. Add it to the list of bugs I seem to experience... and they can't reproduce, even though I keep having the bugs.. blah.

Minotaurs don't last very long to me either... unless they get zapped with this bug where my spells heal them instead of damaging them. and it's still happening - and it's very obvious they are being healed for the amount of damage that they should be taking... simply because they gain around the same health on their bar that they'd loose to the spell.

Oh wells.. chalk this as another bug... along with my W/Mo's adren skills sometimes not working at all. pfft. I stopped playing my W/Mo cuz it was getting too hard to fight when half my skills never worked.. even if they showed up as usable.. and didn't matter how long they had been shown... sometimes when I went to use them I got the "not enough adren" msg.. all adren skills went blank and then instantly refilled and were useable... at least till the next time this bug would hit. And trust me.. it hit a lot.. so I'd be fighting and unable to use aattack skills randomly.. or defense skills.. which can really make or break you if you need that insta +20 armor.. or that final blow to smack down that monk boss b4 they get their heal off and force you to start again...

I've never seen the Minotaurs use any self-healing.. except the warrior boss ones. The rest just seem to attack and Bull's Charge. So really puzzles me why sometimes my spells either have no seeming effect or heal them... Was wondering also if I'm the only one experiencing this.. *shrugs*

Me Burn U

Me Burn U

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Wouldn't You Like to Know?

Doomfollower Legion


Actually the minotaurs are using endure pain. Same thing happens with carrion devourers. Hope that helps .




Join Date: May 2005


They use Endure Pain? That would explain why they seemed to get healed instead of hurt.. does Endure Pain show up as askill used under their health bars (you know, the area which displays the skills/spells/etc that the target is using(?

I ask because as I said, no skill shows up as being used when they get "healed" like that. Which is why I was completely puzzled... whenever I see a critter use a skill I'm not sure exactly what it does, I mouse over the skill to see... but as they weren't showing any skill being used.. all I could think of was yet another bug.

Edit - note to self, Edure Pain is 0 second cast. So my guess is the skill doesn't display as being used because of this. Or it shows so damned quick the humnan eye can't see it? LOL



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

I don't think it gets displayed because it is a stance, and I don't think stances get displayed.