I have a monk, w/ the full 200 attibute points unlocked for pve. Since all of you people generally get mad at monks since you die, I was wondering what build u want me to use? I would really prefer healing (stats ~ 16 heal, 15 divine). So, please post some builds here. (I can use any 2nd profession since i've unlocked em as well).
Monk Build
Viaz Xsikemesi
Robos Stavanis
Just my 2 cents, but you should do a build on what makes you happy, and enjoy the game. To be frank, you will find idiots no matter what you base your build on that feel you have not done enough. I personally prefer a Healing/Smitting build with no attributes in Protection, and Devine Boon taking the rest other than for a bit in Energy management from the inspiration part of secondary Messner. With that said, I also have a second set of armor I change out, and convery to a protection build for when I want to solo. I get enjoyment out of doing both, and I feel both are viaable for the way I like to play. When you start making a build to please others I don't see how you would get as much out of it. Just develope thick skin, shrug off any barbs at you for how you choose to play, and have fun.