Griffon Run



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


Last Man Standing [LMS]


Hello I do the Griffon Run to make most of my cash. So I have a couple of questions about it:

1. Have the programers made it harder to do, because before I could take on a about 6 with ease. Now (however I can still kill 6) it does take a couple of tries. Is it just me?

2. I have seen someone do the Griffon Run taking on 25-30 of em. Does anyone know what build I should have, to be able to do that. My current build is as follows:

Plaitmail Armor
1 Sup Axe Mastery
1 Maj Vigor
1 Maj Absorption
1 Min Streangth
1 Min Tactics

Healing Prayes-9
Smiting Prayes-9
Axe Mastery-12

I weild a/an:

Chaos Axe of Fortitude
Health +20

Skull Sheild
Armor 16 (req. 8 tactics)
Health +31 (while hexed)

I also have:

Vampiric Battle Axe Of Enchanting
dmg +15% (while enchanted)
2 Life Stealing
-1 Health Regeneration
Echantements 18% longer
dmg +20%

The skillz I use are:
Bonneti's, Cyclone Axe, Vig Spirit, Zeleots Fire, Healing Hands, Healing Breeze, Live Vicariously, and Mending.

3. However I use my Chaos Axe because I seem to do the Run better with it, and I seem to die when I use the Battle Axe. If you can do the Run with 25-30 Griffons what would you reccomend? And if you can do the Run I would really Appriciate it if you could tell me all the things I need to do the run, Weapons, Sheilds, when to use skillz at what point, etc, etc. ty.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005


There are multiple threads on builds for this exact thing, so those should help you with stats. One of the biggest things I see is the fact you are using a shield that is really not doing you a lot of good. In order to get the 16 armor, you would need 8 tactics not 4. First thing I would reccomend is to either raise your tactics a bit or get a str required shield.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Wake Forest, NC

Dingos Are Really Nifty


Wth do you even have strength for?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


Last Man Standing [LMS]


I am not really sure. The reason it is up is because they guy who told me said to put it up.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Either drop the strength and add it to tactics to be able to use your shield, or find a strength based shield. To put things in perspective, the minotaurs do 18 damage to me while I'm running with a shield, 28 to me without the shield.

You never mentioned how you're using your skills. Here is a pretty good strategy you can follow if you are not already following it.

Cast mending at the start and gather up all the griffons/minotaurs you can find. Then, stop and cast healing hands followed by zealot's fire. Then cast cyclone axe and bonneti's immediately after. Cast vigorous spirit and live vicariously after your mana quickly reaches max. By now, healing hands should be wearing off. Cast cyclone axe and then IMMEDIATELY push bonneti's defense. You survive off of bonneti's defense which makes you evade 75% of attacks. If you try to cast a spell after cyclone and before bonneti's you will die very fast.

So keep using cyclone and bonneti's in quick sucession until healing hands is ready to cast again. Cast it, re-buff with your previous spells, and repeat.

Ab Solution

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005


Yet another moron who cant work things out for himself....

Please somene give me a step by step guide so I dont have to use my brain.....


Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



You need strength if you want to be most effective farming griffons. I have tried most W/Mo builds and trust me this one works the best...if you dont understand it then try it first and have fun!


skills shown on screenie. the screenshot shows 12 griffons (4 mobs) but i can easily take 6 if you know where to stand and let the minatours run into you mid farm... hehe!

I can take down 4-5 mobs easily and Im sure this build is pretty common because it is so successful when used (the pic shows 12 griffons but you can do more-the most I have done personaly is 4 mobs of griffons and 2 mobs of minotaurs at same time cos they ran in). Switch your target every 10 secs so your allways attacking the one with most hp otherwise you will have killed most and be left fighting the last few with full hp (which is annoying) also if your facing the griffon boss then allways attack it and never the minions. I Use a vamp axe, platemail helm, glads boots-curiass-leggings, knights gloves and Thorgalls shield.

cast mending then run to griffon area from augury. Use sprint if you want to get there fast then wait for full regen and cast balthazars then run in and heard a groups of 3-4-5 depending on what you can. cast glads def then live vicariously, breeze, cyclone then cyclone again and bonettis...then switch between cyclone and bonettis until glads is recharged. The trick isto wait for cyclone to recharge then use bonettis straight away...wait for cyclone recharge and bonettis straight away so your basically allways in this stance except when using glads def (dont use bonettis until glads has run out! cos it replaces it). Use breeze just before cyclone now and again if your in trouble. Piece-o-cake!

Im not the first with this build obviously and dont claim to be because griffon farming has been talked to death, but people still need to know....also becasue of the farming nerf. I found help in this forum when lookinf for my farming build and in return will help anyone in game if they run into problems.

This pic shows when I still used major and minor runes but i found I didnt need the 500+hp so i switched to all sup runes and 350hp and can kill em even faster. each group of 3-4 griffons/minatours takes about 2-3mins and usually only cos griffons etc run in mid battle (hehe more fodder). I see too many posts about farming and there are some good tutorials if you look...ilmao people who dont use strength for this build hehe... why dont you want to take on 5-6 mobs instead of settling for 2-3?

Use glads armour, Mallions shield, sup vig, maj absorption (on knights gloves) and a vamp axe etc etc

If someone can let me know how to make a movie of a run I post it and you can make comparriosns



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

There are more recent threads in the build forum about griffon farming. This didn't need to be bumped. Closed.