Monk Sig Cap Areas?
Where are good places for Monks to Cap skills

shield of regeneration, mark of protection, signet of judgement = iron mines of molodune
healing hands = ember light camp
healing hands = ember light camp
Shield of Deflection can be found in the Ring of Fire mission, I think. It's a good, quick casting spell for protection monks.
There are at least a couple of monk bosses in Snake Dance, dont know what they have though.
Sorena Mascar
Just tonight I went and got Shield of Judgement from Mineral Springs.
There are also 3 different elites for Monks in Snake Dance.
Sorena Mascar
There are also 3 different elites for Monks in Snake Dance.
Sorena Mascar
get peace and harmony, cant remember from where..snakedance i think.. look on a site..
It's the best monk elite I think.. gives you +1 energy regeneration. so you can pretty much cast 5nrg spells none-stop.
It's the best monk elite I think.. gives you +1 energy regeneration. so you can pretty much cast 5nrg spells none-stop.
You can refer to this link for Elite Skill names and maps of where they are: