HELP PLEASE! screenshots!
Nyax Soulreaper
when i take a screenshot, my interface stuff dosent pop up. so when i take a pic with my inventory on, all it shows is my char and the scenery. where is the option to enable the interface back into the screenshots?
Wrath of m0o
ctrl shift h
Nyax Soulreaper
lol simple enough thanks
Nyax Soulreaper
hmm ctrl+shift h didnt work, i meant in the pics, it didnt show my interface. so when i highlight an item in my invent, it dosent show anything but me and the background
Nyax Soulreaper
NVM found it. no replys here please or just delete this thread.
are u shure u are not holding shift?
I"m curious too so could you please say here how you did it?