Then I posted a R/W Axe build w/o an Elite [lol] I tried in Random Arena today in The Campfire forum, where I received some very negative posts, including these
About my build:
Originally Posted by Eonwe
I think I'm gonna go jump off a cliff.
Originally Posted by Nash
If you don't care about the best, then don't bother with this forum. I'm done with this thread, discussing scrub stuff is a waste of time.
However, I am one of those casual gamers that GW claims to target. I don't have much time, considering my long-distance relationship, a part-time job, and soon, 15 units worth of schoolwork [and longer-distance relationship ]. I don't have a majority of skill points unlocked, so I like to experiment with what I have, and what better opportunity than this weekend's PvPX, where a good build will reward me with a good amount of faction without having to trouble the higher arenas.
I know elitists are inevitable, but why is a game for casual gamers so negative toward them? Is it that once they have reached the top, they forget who they once were? Could it be that power, even insubstantial, truly corrupts? Or is it just proof that man is evil? Are elitists as common in GW as compared to other games?
I apologize for a rant, but I hate for my and other people like me's experience in this great game be ruined by a few dark clouds in the sky.