size of party window:
ok, ive noticed that in groups, i believe of all sizes, I need to scroll the bar in the party window when out and about, or in tombs, to see everyones health.
im playing at the lowest resolution BTW if that makes a difference. anything better drops the FPS too much.
is there any way to expand teh party window vertically so i can see everyone in my parties health at once w/out need ing to scroll.
im creating a monk so this would be very important.
thank you.
party window
AFAIK you can always drag the lower right corner of the party window to resize it. If it's already maxed vertically and it's still not enough due to your resolution , then you'll need to increase your res.
what i hate about that window is that sometimes, after i've set it nicely, i'll change district or something and it's turned to a tiny little square half covering my radar
As above, drag the bottom right corner. Unless this takes up the whole screen already.
then you need a new graphics card or something.
As above, drag the bottom right corner. Unless this takes up the whole screen already.
then you need a new graphics card or something.
i cant turn up the rez...then its way too choppy and unplayable.
ill try drag it.
im working on gettting a new graphics card (although i need to get a new case/mobo for that....another story)
thanks i didnt know it was dragable.
ill try drag it.
im working on gettting a new graphics card (although i need to get a new case/mobo for that....another story)
thanks i didnt know it was dragable.