Favor of the Gods

One and Two

One and Two

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Has anyone here actually taken HOH? Cus i have a few questions (not about builds or anything) about that...

like...on the guildwars website it says that favor of the gods get you divine aura...which is supposed to be only collector's edition? Iono...but can you get divine aura w/o collector's edition by winning HOH?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Doers of Evil


You get Divine aura from the gold collectors edition of guildwars or something like that.

HOH just gets you sigils and rare items as a reward for victory.

Divine Elemental

Divine Elemental

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Near Your House

I Used To Own [ IUTO ]

and Fame ^^
Fame FTW is the only reason i tombs

Prophet Of Mercy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005


Death Warriors of Ascalon [DwA]


Here's something that not many people realize...

While your region has favor, go to any god's statue outside of town and kneel. The spirit of that god appears. Pay it 50g for +3 health regen for all party members, or 100g for +2 morale boost for everyone.

Once you hit Yak's Bend, however, these statues are hard to come across. They're generally in zones taht don't have attaching towns and take a while to get to, and quests dont normally take you near them. But if you have a chance to get the boons, GET THEM.