money money money
guys i need to get a guild hall for y guild as quick as possible , i tried running ppl to droknars for money but i die often and do not get much money ! help me pls!
Wrath of m0o
Try Dancing Naked at Lions Arch for Tips, its how my mom paid her way through college.
There are many ways to make money in this game, just be creative.
There are many ways to make money in this game, just be creative.
hey wrath.. thats not the only way she got money
Z Man Boog
u just need practice(droknar run)
do a few runs free. and say tips GREATLY appreciated .
some people will tip u what the normal would pay just because the fact that it was a free run.<out of the goodness of ur heart>
so even if u dont make it. u can say o well, i wasnt chargin you anything.
so you can sorta make some money and get practice on the run at the same time.
do a few runs free. and say tips GREATLY appreciated .
some people will tip u what the normal would pay just because the fact that it was a free run.<out of the goodness of ur heart>
so even if u dont make it. u can say o well, i wasnt chargin you anything.
so you can sorta make some money and get practice on the run at the same time.