Tydus and not turning back?
im confused...what happens when you talk to tydus and he says "finish things up" and "you can't go back" do you get transfered to a new area? What level is a good level to do this, too? someone plz help.
Level 3 is the bare minimum. Most on the forum recommend level 6 to 8 before joining the Academy. Joining the Acedemy take you out of the noob area into "the real game."
Everything go Mad Max Apocolyptic once you join the academy.
Everything go Mad Max Apocolyptic once you join the academy.
it's fun
Managed to do it level 6...no worries.

Managed to do it level 6...no worries.
I went out at L5...of course, I played last BWE, so I kind of knew what I was up against. For newbies, though, probably 6 minimum.
LOL...my team spanked the other in the PVP before searing. 10-2
LOL...my team spanked the other in the PVP before searing. 10-2

Thanks! you guys are def more helpful then those brats over on WoW forums.