Almost 90 Gold & Purple Swords, bows, staffs, axes, hammers, wands, and offhands!
Hey i notice you auction ends Sunday, i think ill be on that nigth around 9 or 10pm EST PM if you cant catch me
Aegilion Orcrist
Aegilion Orcrist
Tulkas the Breaker
7k #H4
4k #H6
IGN priv
4k #H6
IGN priv
Dreamcatcher X
A3- 101k
S8- 22k
w3- 8k
S8- 22k
w3- 8k
10k on B3
ign Lord Mishief
ign Lord Mishief
S11 - 5k
IGN: Spence The Sword
IGN: Spence The Sword
Sergio Leone
12k on A6 ign sergio leone
Sergio Leone
I'd prefer a PM on here
Thamior Whisperwind
6k for B9 - IGN is Thamior Whisperwind
Maximus Decimus Meridius
ign.Dhagon Ghent
ign.Dhagon Ghent
Shaw Shank
Shaw Shank
B6-2k, B8-2k
grim peirce
20k on b4
1k on s1
Lady Kaz
15k on #ST2 IGN Lady Kaz
please note that any bids under 1k will not be honored, nor will bid increments less than 1k, i dislike fractions.
Also, please, please, please, please, please stop sending me tells in game. I WILL NOT sell before the auction ends under any circumstances. Those of you who sent me a tell explaining that no more bids would come on your items, weill you're wrong, every single one of the mentioned bids has been at least doubled.
I will both send you a pm on these boards, and try to contact you in game over the next week. I'm a college student, and school just started, so my time is funky. If you see me on, send me a tell, i will meet you and sell you your item (but not before sunday).
Also, please, please, please, please, please stop sending me tells in game. I WILL NOT sell before the auction ends under any circumstances. Those of you who sent me a tell explaining that no more bids would come on your items, weill you're wrong, every single one of the mentioned bids has been at least doubled.
I will both send you a pm on these boards, and try to contact you in game over the next week. I'm a college student, and school just started, so my time is funky. If you see me on, send me a tell, i will meet you and sell you your item (but not before sunday).
Xeno Breaker
10k #SH13
20k on ST2.
IGN Bara Test
IGN Bara Test
Xeno Breaker
1k # W4
2k on a5 and 8k on h1
in game character strong badder
in game character strong badder
Thamior Whisperwind
3k for B6 - Thamior Whisperwind
IGN Drachmas Erus
sh13 10k
sh13 10k
H1 - 10k
IGN - Yen Yanno
IGN - Yen Yanno
11k for B3
ign Metal Ionic Z or Windwalker Ionic Z
ign Metal Ionic Z or Windwalker Ionic Z
Sergio Leone
16K on A6. This is to out bid samk1. Thank you
Dragon Worm
1k for OH4
1k on b7
IGN = is that in game name?if so Dragon Bore if site name Dragon Worm
1k on b7
IGN = is that in game name?if so Dragon Bore if site name Dragon Worm
sry withdrawing bid
9k on h4
7K - A8
IGN: The Kevinaminater
IGN: The Kevinaminater
Sergio Leone
1k on SH 17
November Raine
20k on a6
Sergio Leone
21k on A6
General Ledger
S7 - 5k
<-- IGN
<-- IGN
General Ledger
Sh14 = 10k
<-- Ign
<-- Ign
8k on W1
Unheard Echo
SH13: 12k
IGN Chaos Herald
IGN Chaos Herald
ermm since you seemed to have missed it, i got 10k on s14
10k on wand #3, IGN Philip Says
Sergio Leone
I am withdrawing my bid on A6 allowing November Raine, if not otherwise outbid, to win. I'm sorry for any confusion. My bid on the shield stands unless otherwise noticed.
alright, all withdrawns, edits, and personal requests have been added to the auction. Please dont edit your posts anymore, if you want to withdraw a bid, post the item.
AGain, the auction will end sunday night at midnight, eastern time. At that time, i will post my IGN and the location you can find me at.
AGain, the auction will end sunday night at midnight, eastern time. At that time, i will post my IGN and the location you can find me at.
Shaw Shank
8k- on A8