Now I can understand that certain things like Superior Vigors or Gold Perfect Crystalines should be like 1 in a million type drops.
But recently I've been trying to get my hands on a Staff Wrapping of Domination Magic. And not just a perfect one, any wrap of dom. And no one has one. Nobody. I've checked all the major trading areas 3 times a day for the past week. Nobody has even heard of anyone who has gotten one.
Now I know they exist because I've had a 13% one before (it didnt salvage). And there's a perfect one up for bid in the Sell forum right now. But as I have sold Attribute wraps to people before, I know how rare they are and how expensive they get.
Arena Net needs to let these drop in rares more often. Its nearly impossible for someone who doesnt monitor the trading forums and chats morning noon and night to even see the chance of getting one.
Drop ratios on certain items
Arcanis Imperium