The new HoH after the patch.
Since when does 10+30%=25?
beleg curudin
I hope Anet reads this.
Originally Posted by beleg curudin
I hope Anet reads this.
1. Diversion
2. Rend Enchantments
3. Migrane
4. Arcane Conudrum
5. Signet of Humility
6. Distracting/Punishing Shot [or Mesmer interrupts] (specifically on Ether Renewal and Balthzar's Aura)
7. Well of the Profane
8. Many the bloody skill list...
They gave you the tools, figure out how to use them and when.
salja Wachi
Originally Posted by zehly
When I bring my necro into HoH (which I can do more now), I bring lingering curse. With that beautiful spell, I can have my team focus on my target, take him down, and use well of profane.
LC is maybe the best elite skill of them all. (along with energy drain)
no others even come close.
Originally Posted by Divine Elemental
1 mesmer can shut down 3 emo smiters if played correctly
There are two good options (and I'm sure many more): a ra/me using Diversion and Choking Gas (use Diversion on one, Choking Gas on the other). Or use me/ne using Diversion on one, Rend plus Energy Drain on the other. In any case, you're going to have to tab back within 2s to find that other el/mo to get your diversion off in-time before the other one has expired for more than a few seconds. I think the best you can do is a full shut-down of one, and a partial shut-down of another -- certainly not any more than having 2 shut down at any given time. If you call a single signet of humility on another shutting down 3... well, I suppose; but that's streaching it quite far. If you want to stand-up to my "calling bullshit" on you -- let's hear your build and strategy.
Originally Posted by IxChel
Post the skill list and strategy. The most I've been able to do is 1 el/mo and partial take down of one other, or help irritating monks, etc.
There are two good options (and I'm sure many more): a ra/me using Diversion and Choking Gas (use Diversion on one, Choking Gas on the other). Or use me/ne using Diversion on one, Rend plus Energy Drain on the other. In any case, you're going to have to tab back within 2s to find that other el/mo to get your diversion off in-time before the other one has expired for more than a few seconds. I think the best you can do is a full shut-down of one, and a partial shut-down of another -- certainly not any more than having 2 shut down at any given time. If you call a single signet of humility on another shutting down 3... well, I suppose; but that's streaching it quite far. If you want to stand-up to my "calling bullshit" on you -- let's hear your build and strategy. |
Originally Posted by stumpy
just outta curiousity are your keys setup to hit your opp 1-8. No need to tab if you can just mash that 3 to hit target 3, then mash 5 to switch to 5 and back ... it'll save you time, and increase you overall gameplay. Just a thought.
Rather than bitching about Ether Renewal or by being stupid by claiming that you can counter it (of course you can counter it, its just a matter of ballance... how much resources does it take to counter), let's talk about how to fix it...fixed ether renewal
Knight Errant
just outta curiousity are your keys setup to hit your opp 1-8. No need to tab if you can just mash that 3 to hit target 3, then mash 5 to switch to 5 and back ... it'll save you time, and increase you overall gameplay. Just a thought. |
Originally Posted by stumpy
just outta curiousity are your keys setup to hit your opp 1-8.
Originally Posted by IxChel
As far as I know, you can press C to target your closest foe, T to target the team's call, and TAB to go through your list of opponents. There isn't anyway to target the 4th character -- last I looked.
Hippie Crack
Wow, i cant believe some of the suggestions people are making for the hall. A huge Pit to just dual it out?!, are you nuts? You will see nothing but edge bombs going off. If anything the hall should have a map rotation that rotates with relics, altar, dual, and maybe even some new type of maps they can introduce. Variety in maps will be the only way to break the cookie-cutter builds and promote more diverse tactics in teams.
And whoever posted to cripple the warriors is an easy couter to smite never faced a smite team. Ever hear of draw conditions?, yea, they tend to be spamming it on the warriors so crippling them wont do squat. Sure you can snare them with a water ele or mesmer, but not only does the monk class have smite for damage, it also has some of the best hex removal in the game.
And whoever posted to cripple the warriors is an easy couter to smite never faced a smite team. Ever hear of draw conditions?, yea, they tend to be spamming it on the warriors so crippling them wont do squat. Sure you can snare them with a water ele or mesmer, but not only does the monk class have smite for damage, it also has some of the best hex removal in the game.