Strange autodeath bug
Two nights ago I was in Ring of Fire with a PUG. Turned out pretty well as everyone communicated well/got along. It was fun. We had 7 real folks and Mhenlo.
Near the end where you see the Lich (I'm trying hard not to post spoilers ) our monk died. Playing an E/Mo I almost always have Rebirth with me to pull fallen comrades to a safe rez area. Unfortunately, I rezzed the monk with 0 HP. Seriously, she came back to life and went straight to the dying animation. Mhenlo tried to rez her several times. The R/Mo tried Resurrect. Someone else had the AoE rez with them (light of dwayna?). Every time she would rez with 0 HP and auto die. After a while we had one ether left to destroy and just played with rezzing the monk and letting the necro make more minions. Rez, minion, rez, minion. Was a little fun to tow her corpse around the place (with Rebirth) too. We all got a pretty good laugh after the initial shock of the monk being unrezzable. Once we got bored with that we finished that part of the mission, got the cutscene (naughty lich, NAUGHTY!!) and she was alive with no DP. Sort of strange that she didn't have the normal 15% for the original death at least.
Anyone else ever get a strange bug like this?
Near the end where you see the Lich (I'm trying hard not to post spoilers ) our monk died. Playing an E/Mo I almost always have Rebirth with me to pull fallen comrades to a safe rez area. Unfortunately, I rezzed the monk with 0 HP. Seriously, she came back to life and went straight to the dying animation. Mhenlo tried to rez her several times. The R/Mo tried Resurrect. Someone else had the AoE rez with them (light of dwayna?). Every time she would rez with 0 HP and auto die. After a while we had one ether left to destroy and just played with rezzing the monk and letting the necro make more minions. Rez, minion, rez, minion. Was a little fun to tow her corpse around the place (with Rebirth) too. We all got a pretty good laugh after the initial shock of the monk being unrezzable. Once we got bored with that we finished that part of the mission, got the cutscene (naughty lich, NAUGHTY!!) and she was alive with no DP. Sort of strange that she didn't have the normal 15% for the original death at least.
Anyone else ever get a strange bug like this?
I've read it occurs when a player has too much -hp from runes. Their hp is so low to begin with, and after they die, they effectively have to be raised with full health in order to live again (which cutscenes do).
Jczech is correct. If a player has too much -health from runes, when they die the DP will drop their hp to such a point that only a Rez signet has any chance of rezzing them (as it rez's @ 100% health).
The thing is, the dp I believe is applied to their unmodified max health.. so it's -15% of 480 health.. minus the -'ve health mods from the runes... and bang, unless rezzed with rez signet they will die again..
5 sup runes = -375 health
15% dp @ 480 hp = -72 health
375 + 72 = -447 health
How much health does a player get when rez'ed with resurrect or rebirth?
Take into account rez'ing by Restore Life.. max that does is 45% health.. now 45% of 480 is 216.. so assuing that rezzing is applying it's "rez with X health" is applying to base max health.. they'd rez with 216 health.. and then the runes and dp gets applied..
216 - 447 = -231 health
ie dead.
Only way to rez them would be rez signet, as this would rez them with 100% health..
480 - 447 = 33 health
ie they are actually alive... for the moment :P
Now, that explains what happened to your monk - he had too many major/sup runes on and the -'ve health from that combined with the -'ve health from the initial death made him unable to be rezz''ed apart from with a rez signet.
The thing is, the dp I believe is applied to their unmodified max health.. so it's -15% of 480 health.. minus the -'ve health mods from the runes... and bang, unless rezzed with rez signet they will die again..
5 sup runes = -375 health
15% dp @ 480 hp = -72 health
375 + 72 = -447 health
How much health does a player get when rez'ed with resurrect or rebirth?
Take into account rez'ing by Restore Life.. max that does is 45% health.. now 45% of 480 is 216.. so assuing that rezzing is applying it's "rez with X health" is applying to base max health.. they'd rez with 216 health.. and then the runes and dp gets applied..
216 - 447 = -231 health
ie dead.
Only way to rez them would be rez signet, as this would rez them with 100% health..
480 - 447 = 33 health
ie they are actually alive... for the moment :P
Now, that explains what happened to your monk - he had too many major/sup runes on and the -'ve health from that combined with the -'ve health from the initial death made him unable to be rezz''ed apart from with a rez signet.
even with a superior rune for all 4 monk disciplines and no vigor rune and no +xx hp weapon/item thats still only 300 hp penalty.
Auntie I
Well Kamatsu, I don't think your calculations are quite correct. It's not calculated from you HP before Runes but after the Rune Penalty is applied.
A 105HP monk with 60% death Penalty will have .9HP when resurrected with Rebirth or Ressurect. Since this is less than 1 HP the character cannot be resurrected.
I believe that a Rez Signet will work though since it brings the character back at 100% of their HP.
A 105HP monk with 60% death Penalty will have .9HP when resurrected with Rebirth or Ressurect. Since this is less than 1 HP the character cannot be resurrected.
I believe that a Rez Signet will work though since it brings the character back at 100% of their HP.
Blight And Ruin
This "bug" is why 55 HP monks are down for the count if they get DP.
It's really annoying if you're exploring with a hench group or something, and in a PUG it's bad if you can't be rezzed except with a 100% HP rez too. You come back with *1* HP from a Rez Sig rez or an EA auto-rez. Anything less than 100% HP and you die insantly after the rez, not even enough time to swap out armor or items.
It's really annoying if you're exploring with a hench group or something, and in a PUG it's bad if you can't be rezzed except with a 100% HP rez too. You come back with *1* HP from a Rez Sig rez or an EA auto-rez. Anything less than 100% HP and you die insantly after the rez, not even enough time to swap out armor or items.
Fye Duron
You will always have at least 1 hit point. That is a system bug not a too many runes issue.
Originally Posted by Auntie I
Well Kamatsu, I don't think your calculations are quite correct. It's not calculated from you HP before Runes but after the Rune Penalty is applied.
A 105HP monk with 60% death Penalty will have .9HP when resurrected with Rebirth or Ressurect. Since this is less than 1 HP the character cannot be resurrected. I believe that a Rez Signet will work though since it brings the character back at 100% of their HP. |
Auntie I
Originally Posted by ICURADik
Wrong, unless changed very recently. Dp applies to health before Runes.
DP does apply to our max health before runes.
Fye Duron. This event occurs mainly with low HP monks using protective bond or protective spirit to keep hits down around the 5-10 dmg per hit area. If they get a DP(i believe it's -30DP for 105 and -15DP for 55) they can't be rezed because they don't have a full hitpoint. It IS because of too many runes.
Fye Duron. This event occurs mainly with low HP monks using protective bond or protective spirit to keep hits down around the 5-10 dmg per hit area. If they get a DP(i believe it's -30DP for 105 and -15DP for 55) they can't be rezed because they don't have a full hitpoint. It IS because of too many runes.
When I died at 30% DP, I had to be raised with a signet to come back to health. My health bar plainly showed that I had 1 out of 1 total HP. When I took a rune off, it became 76 of 76 hp.
Sir Skullcrasher
good thing i have no runes on my character!
Fun loving gamet
fefv wve
which is why you carry a weapon switch on your 55 monk
Originally Posted by Auntie I
It's not calculated from you HP before Runes but after the Rune Penalty is applied.
DP works off of your BASE life, without hp addons or subtractions counted in.
so at lvl 20 with 480 life 60% dp will give you -288 life; or leave you with 192 life remaining. X4 sup runes is -300 HP, so you effectively have -108 life, and cannot be ressed, unless he's right and a res signet works off your base life (but im not sure about that so i wont comment on it).
on the other side of the line; a warrior with lets say, a +30 hp sword, +30 hp shield (always) and +50 hp superior vigor, at 60% dp, will have 302 life.