Are you looking for the next Solo Build?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Cruel Intentions


Yes I was using this build well before the protection bond build go the ole Nerf smite. Yes you might see it all over now and that's fine, I know I created it on my own so :P But if you are looking for the build, here it is. Just sift through my rantings and voila, there you have it! My QUESTION is this, when is the next um..hmm..ya when is the next update? ;-)

My Two Cents (including my new solo build)

I used to love solo'ng. Sittting with 10 hydras on me was a girls dream and watching mad black cows by the 6 slamming repeatedly into me just gets me all a quiver! "Ooh, a glob!" and "Wow a rare!" I couldn't believe it, I'd found a way to get myself all the goodies I wanted and didn't even have to think hard on it! You see, I created my build on my own with no help and solo'd for quite a lot longer than most.

Now what?

Sadly, I've gotten used to such attention from the baddies to the point where if I am not smacking around more than two, I get bored! I've finished the game. I have 1.4 million gold, I can't even pick anymore up. I have a slew of the little pink circles in storage. My characters all have godly weapons (even this one, my ele, has a staff with +60 hp). I have more weapons in storage I can sell. I have fissure armor. I helped my friend get his fissure armor (donation of more than 90 globs and no don't ask).

I think the solo monk build with prot bond should have been tanked a while back to control the inflation of items and the deflation of getting a rare. Slip over to district 1 in Lions Arch and you'll see the Ebay Gold Machine in action with --- Girl selling unidentified this and Hua ---- selling unid'ed that and --- Begkiss selling unid'ed and so on and so on. The rare has been made so commonplace it's sad. Drops have been made to suffer with only 1 glob per run in UW being most common now.

So yes I've managed to throw together a new build, one I had already used when I was waiting for prot bond to get nerfed and needed something as a just in case. It's not that hard to do it, simply takes a few more keyboard movements than the prot bond build. Here it is exactly the way it is in my skill bar with a few notes to follow.

* Protective Spirit (used as often as possible, almost spamming)
* Blessed Signet
* Balthazar's Aura (an old favorite)
* Shield of Judgment (with a high enough smite att, a nice attack!)
* Bonetti's Defense (very important now more than ever)
* Watchful Spirit (for that always lovely +2 Health Regen)
* Mending (make that mending a +4 and with Watchful, hello +6 regen!)
* Balthazar's Spirit

What's my attributes set at you ask? Well I am different from most and find it more helpful to do it this way instead of trying to max out my smite.
BEFORE going, I always jack Health to 13 and get my 4 for Mending. Then I lower it back down to the following attritbute numbers. Note, these numbers include superior runes.

Healing - 9
Smiting - 13
Protection - 12
Divine - 11

Tactics - 8

I put tactics higher because with smites, having that extra 3 seconds becomes vital since they attack so much. One group at a time is safest now, you can no longer tank 4 groups like I used to. Colds can be killed the same as before, they are quite easy and you will find Aatxes die quicker with the added SOJ.

Anyway, this will be my last run for a while. I am sincerely bored of GW now which I guess is good in a lot of ways but bad in plenty of others. I had high hopes for this game on the PVE end and got my money's worth, have no doubt. As for the lasting value of PVE, it just kind of died off. The solo builds made it interesting, but, if I wanted to be a farmer I'd live in Nebraska with some corn instead of NJ. I have zero need for gold or items and to be quite frank have not seen a rare worth clamoring over (I personally don't need a 15/50 Storm Bow).

I hope this build helps you all out and you get many many weeks of time using it because God knows that Anet is about as fast as old people having sex when it comes to fixing damaging, economically impacting builds. I have made many friends on here (except for Leprekan X, talk about a fella needing to get over something in life!) and will keep in touch with them hopefully until Sorrows comes out.

Till then, see you next build!



Join Date: Aug 2005

WaMo builds are the most uncreative builds on the internet.

come back when you have a MoMe solo build.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Flying Gophers


I have a Me/Mo solo build.....


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Cruel Intentions


I have an MO/ME solo build and that was not the idea of the post child. It is a workable build, if you have one you wish to post, do so. Otherwise, quit acting 12 and post something useful hmm? Now, go to your room.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

I have a ranger/nec solo build, and a pure mes solo build.

The latter was brutally nerfed with the patch. Much harder to use now. I almost wish I had a w/mo pve char to take advantage of all the solo builds posted on them.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Cruel Intentions


The whole idea is that Solo builds are not that difficult to make. There are hundreds of spells and many more combinations that make a build unique. Of the 100's of unique combinations, few give the ability to solo many creatures at once. As the above post mentions, a ranger can solo, as well as a warrior and monks. This post is indicative of a way to solo with ONE type of a monk build. It is not, by any stretch, the catch all build. If you have a unique build you'd like to post, we'd all love to see it. Telling someone to "come back" when they have such and such a build is borderline juvenile. Be creative, be informative, be enthusiastic, but don't be a moron.



Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by MissTrixie
I have an MO/ME solo build and that was not the idea of the post child. It is a workable build, if you have one you wish to post, do so. Otherwise, quit acting 12 and post something useful hmm? Now, go to your room.

post my solo build on the forums? I wouldn't post even a single skill from my solo build on the forums. With arenanet's new adopted policy of nerfing the hell out of any build that resembles cerativity and thought. I have a pure ranger solo build...a pure monk solo build...a pure necro solo build....will I ever post them? absolutely not. And I'd suggest you don't either. Regardless the build you posted has been used for months.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Cruel Intentions


Once again you miss the idea of the post and the idea of builds in general. My suggestion, get Tetris. You sound a lot like an angry young boy. Arena net SHOULD nerf any build that destroys the economy and make the game play as it should. They're design did not include tanking as many hydras or smites as I did. Again, another thread ruined by a kid.



Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by MissTrixie
Once again you miss the idea of the post and the idea of builds in general. My suggestion, get Tetris. You sound a lot like an angry young boy. Arena net SHOULD nerf any build that destroys the economy and make the game play as it should. They're design did not include tanking as many hydras or smites as I did. Again, another thread ruined by a kid.

I'm probably several years older than you. My point is you're posting an uncreative build that isn't new to anyone but yourself and I'm asking why....should I post my interupt ranger build even though it's been posted 1400 times in the proper forum already? what was the point of this?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Canucklehead BC, Canada

Advanced Necro Undead Society

Originally Posted by nailz
WaMo builds are the most uncreative builds on the internet.

come back when you have a MoMe solo build.
its a Mo/Wa ... *note* 13 health for mending +4, then swap 13 smiting ... hmmm ... must need a rune for that ... oh wait ... let me go grab my uncreative warrior l33t sword of smiting +1 (100% time using skills). ????.



Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by stumpy
its a Mo/Wa ... *note* 13 health for mending +4, then swap 13 smiting ... hmmm ... must need a rune for that ... oh wait ... let me go grab my uncreative warrior l33t sword of smiting +1 (100% time using skills). ????.

MoWa builds are the second most uncreative builds...let me go download my forum build and think im "w1ck3d t3h l337 pwnz0rz n00bscakes"


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Cruel Intentions


You're right, I am wrong. I'd put you at more like, 10.

Kobun King

Kobun King

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

He's right though; this is hardly creative and certainly not "your build". I'd say this build is much more closer to "common knowledge".



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


Are you people all daft? Did you even read the OP's post? She/he was never claiming that she had the "uber-1337, totally original, wow you've never heard this one before" build.

But no, I guess juveniles with ADHD don't take the time to read much of anything longer than a sentence or two. The OP's comment, which happened to include the build that was used for a long time prior to 17prot nerf, was actually an interesting commentary of the state of the game in general, as well an interesting perspective from someone who's "done it all".

I found it to be a good read personally. Try using some more common sense before you reply; you'll look a lot less stupid if you do.

To the OP: I'm sorry you've reached your boredom peak. I too am growing weary of some aspects of the game. Well, to be honest, I don't have a ton of time to play and when I do, I find that my favorite character, Me/Mo is possibly beyond my skill level as a player. Yes I beat the game with her, and I've done some UW and FoW runs, but I can honestly say I have no idea how to use her solo in any useful way. PvP isn't really that fun for me, and I've started new characters but find repeating the missions to be, well, boring.

Anyway, I guess we'll both be looking forward to the new update as well as any future expansions.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005



This whole post is somewhat pointless regardless of how you are taking it. Anet should not in anyway change or "nerf" skills because they can be used to solo. Like someone said earlier, all classes can be used to solo, some better than others. But, to change skills because they can be used in such a way that would allow a player to 'farm' and obtain mass amounts of gold is silly.

This game is NOT a game that is economy based. That can be seen clearly by anyone who has played for more than a week. This game is all about strategy. Coming up with new builds for PvP or for PvE and capturing the skills to do so is what it is all about.

Also, one more big point: People forget that this game is all about counters. There is not a single build in this game that can solo any area in the game. When you make a build, chances are there will be some higher level area tat you will be able to solo. That is because areas typically have certain types of monseters in them. So when you say you can solo UW or Hydras, that doesn't mean that you are undefeatable. I'd like to see you take that same build against the Stone Summit where they have tons of enchantment removals. Each area can generally be countered by certain strategies.

It is because of that reason why Anet should not change the skills because of farming reasons. Because there will always be a way to counter a certain area because of the fact that there may be only one type of mob in that area.

I have a build that is great at soloing particular areas, so that is where I do most of my soloing. But I know if I were to take that build into some other areas, I would get plastered, even though I know many other builds would kick ass in that area. But, do I always kick ass in PvP, sometimes yes, sometimes no. It all depends on who I am facing and what their strategy is. But, in PvE, you can pick your battles, so of course, you can always pick the ones you can win easily. That doesn't make for a cause to change the skills or system. two cents.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Cruel Intentions


What I would call, a respectable reply. There are good builds with ME/MO though. As to Kobun King's response, yes, it is MY build because I created it on my own. If someone else or many others thought of the same build, more power to them. But ya know, someone had to create a build right? They don't just get posted here by sheer luck. So to say it isn't my build is being a bit off the mark because it IS my build. And his build. And her build. And that kid's build. And so on. I'll wager you that the original protection bond build was initially thought of by one guy, right? Right. And I bet someone else thought of it too and did it without even knowing guy #1, right? And I bet people before me thought this build as well as people after. That's all good, and I respect that. But respect the fact you truly have no idea how my build came about other than to respect my word on the fact that I did do it myself, whether or not the build was made earlier or not. I have a few other builds that more than likely have been used before as well, but I also thought those up myself too. I never claimed I created the build, I just said it was MY build. ;-)

Originally Posted by tuskenraid
Are you people all daft? Did you even read the OP's post? She/he was never claiming that she had the "uber-1337, totally original, wow you've never heard this one before" build.

But no, I guess juveniles with ADHD don't take the time to read much of anything longer than a sentence or two. The OP's comment, which happened to include the build that was used for a long time prior to 17prot nerf, was actually an interesting commentary of the state of the game in general, as well an interesting perspective from someone who's "done it all".

I found it to be a good read personally. Try using some more common sense before you reply; you'll look a lot less stupid if you do.

To the OP: I'm sorry you've reached your boredom peak. I too am growing weary of some aspects of the game. Well, to be honest, I don't have a ton of time to play and when I do, I find that my favorite character, Me/Mo is possibly beyond my skill level as a player. Yes I beat the game with her, and I've done some UW and FoW runs, but I can honestly say I have no idea how to use her solo in any useful way. PvP isn't really that fun for me, and I've started new characters but find repeating the missions to be, well, boring.

Anyway, I guess we'll both be looking forward to the new update as well as any future expansions.

Pagan Greyfeather

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Dark Wing Cadre


Well,this is my first post and I for one found the Op's suggestions helpful. I too have finished with my Ranger and found that most of my enjoyment comes form GvG. The rest of the time I spend helping out Guild members and such so I thought I would spend the plat and try out this solo monk everyone was screaming about. I don't need the plat but ecto for Fissure for the more active members of my Guild sounded groovy. So I spent the plat and viola had my invinci-monk the Friday before they nerfed him! lol. Standard luck on my part. Soooo, after about 5 times of "Well, that didn't work!" I gave up on UW and went back to trapping with the Ranger. I'm not much for farming-but not really against it-and think the economy is not that bad. I make about 20 plat a week just from the Rare material crafters. "Yay Deldrimor Steel!" Its all in good fun and if the game makes you so crazy you need to rant about it or flame others cause they don't agree with you then I suggest breaking out the cards for some solitare until you're fit for human company again. Just my two cents. Thanks.

Brother Mhenlo

Brother Mhenlo

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Gangstas in the Hood [HooD], The Impossible is Possible [DUPE]

i just want to kno does the op's build work before i buy the sup runes?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

The Intarweb

Wrath of Nature [WoN]


Yea, I was thinking of going to an SOJ build but I am just too tired of capturing skills to care anymore.

I was running this before nerf, with the standard att layout of course:

Blessed Signet
Zealot's Fire
Mending (+4)
Watchful Spirit
Protective Bond (-1e)
Balthazar's Aura
Balthazar's Spirit
Bonetti's Defense (3s)

I farmed a good amount (200K plus) in a few short days. This wasn't the fastest build to use, but it did its job nonetheless and I did not want to spend time trying to capture Shield of Judgement.

I am now using this and definitely plan on incorporating SOJ and/or tinkering with the OP's build:

Blessed Signet
Zealot's Fire
Protective Spirit (21s)
Mending (+4)
Live Vicariously
Healing Breeze (+8)
Balthazar's Aura
Bonetti's Defense (3s)

It is just one of those things, don't care anymore, don't want to play through the story anymore, don't want to deal with the idiots blaming me for not healing them anymore, etc. etc. I just want to relax on a game that I enjoy and farm. I guess the numbers increasing in my gold vault is enough to keep me sane.

Red Sonya

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

People getting bored of the PVE game is exactly the reason the game needs to scale up to "nightmare" and then "hell" levels of challenge in the pVE game. This opens the whole map up again to play through when mobs become your level or better in all zones after you have completed the story once. I enjoyed the Charr combat and areas of the whole game more than anything, but, alas they aren't any challenge at the end of the game and there isn't any quality loot to go back and play in those regions for. If A-Net in their wisdom would have all zones increase in level after one has completed the last mission, the PVE game would have a great longevity and would not become the boring UW run or Griffon or Trolls etc runs on a daily basis. This is what still keeps Diablo 2 on my hard-drive after so many years. I can sit down on any day and go back into any area and have a blast soloing and finding still new unique drops.

If they also scaled all zones to the average level of the group since they are all instanced this would be possible then any range of groups would also be able to go to any zone/mission again and have an enjoyable challenge.

Probably would take too much reworking of the game engine thus we'll never see this, but, there are probably just as many pve only players as there are pvp only players and then those that enjoy both. Then chapter II isn't due out for many more months now, how many will hold on or even purchase it now who have reached an impasse of this game already? This is the problem of allowing things to come too quickly in the name of PVP being the optimum play value of this game where many are just PVEers and the PVP game isn't of any value to them.

Now here's my alltime great suggestion. Create a program where a player or players can be part of the pve world on the npc side, they will enter a que to be placed in a group of npc's just like they enter a que for the 4x4 random arena battles. Players won't really know who's the npc and who's the player(s). But, the player and/or players can influence the outcome of that particular area of the zone, when other players encounter that area, they can even be roamers and attempt to find the soloist or group and one things for sure, they will be able to run to another group if they are in trouble and cause an even more intence battle sometimes. They could even be put in ques to guard "elite skills bosses". Heh, that would make getting elite skills a lot more challenging. This not only would benefit the pve players but the pvp players as well, giving them another option of pvping without it having to be an organized arena battle. They at no time would ever be able to create an organized group for this placement into the pve game, npc's would always be their team-mates. Thus no real griefing opportunities or overwhelming one side unbalanced pvp against the pvers. Imagine if you could be qued into the UW with your ME/?, imagine the fun you could have with 105/55 Mo/W builds at the very beginning. Just one player in many cases could change the whole outcome of soloing in any area and bring more grouping an/or carrying of henchies into the game instead of just soloing for $$.

How it would work, when you log in you can type in /que pve and be entered into the que to be part of the pve world on the npc side. Then go play whatever you want to do until a popup window would say "you are now ready to be qued into the pve game do you accept? with the option to accept or decline within a certain amount of seconds, no answer is an automatic decline, thus if you are in a mission or decide you don't want to join at this time you won't be forced out of one thing and popped into another. If you wish to be placed back into the que just type /que pve once again and wait for your turn to come around again.

There would only be 1 or 2 players of this type in any zone/mission at once and they would have no way to communicate with each other or even know who the other was. But, they could encounter each other and not even know it, but, they wouldn't be able to attack anything but other pve players. They would take on the characteristics of one type of npc in the game (heck they could even be the BOSS themselves), they wouldn't be their human character in looks but they would have their skills. They would be placed in zones according to their level, so there wouldn't be any level 20's or skills in some lowbie zones like Ascalon or Yaks bend arenas have turned into. So many that would participate would be in post ascension zones or missions where everything is on an equal keel.

When/if they are killed or the pve group zones out they will be placed back in the que and go back to their regular character until they are asked again if they wish to participate.

Alas something else that will most likely never happen, but, this would be a great way to bring challenge into the PVE game for PVP players and give bored PVE players something else to challenge them without feeling ganked like in most mmorpgs that have pvp type areas.

Andy of Glacieria

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

pD-Paladins of the Dark


Heh it's nice as far as im concerned.




Join Date: Aug 2005

dayton ohio


dont flame the dude, hes trying to help people

Pagan Greyfeather

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Dark Wing Cadre


I don't think it would happen but your idea sounds stellar to me! I can just imagine the shocked look I would be wearing on my face the rest of the day after my 55 popped into UW and found a mesmer standing there! lol. I think I would probably pee my pants! But it would be worth it just for the surprise!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

BC, Canada.. how aboot that eh?

I don't mean to be a "troll" or "ogre" or what ever it is you people call it these days but i have a question.. why use a solo build on a game intended for team play?.. sounds a little greedy to me



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Israel before, CA now.


The build isn't exactly news to anyone....I guess if someone missed the others this could help.

Algren Cole

Algren Cole


Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by sino-soviet
The build isn't exactly news to anyone....I guess if someone missed the others this could help.

you mean the other 35 posts about it?

lacking the logic skills required to adapt to the prot bond nerf and thus finding this post informing to you doesn't mean its a worthwhile post.

Brother Mhenlo

Brother Mhenlo

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Gangstas in the Hood [HooD], The Impossible is Possible [DUPE]

im using it and have trouble with getting interupted by grasping darknesses i usually bring an "aid" with me usually my freind's w/mo who stands back and casts prot spirit on me he doesnt get interupted so i dont die it also takes stress off of me but i solo it when hes not around every once in a while i get interupted at the wrong time and die at the octopusses but i do get to the smiters sometimes just started today and found one ecto.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005


[FahQ] Fierce Alliance HeadQuarters


Originally Posted by nailz
WaMo builds are the most uncreative builds on the internet.

come back when you have a MoMe solo build.
how does the wa/mo have divine again?

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


To answer the op.

No, my W/N solo build has barely changed due to all the nerfing and still rox the universe just fine. [in areas that don't cost 1p to get in...]

I personally don't see much point in paying 1P to get into a 'good' farming place because I simply don't have the time to get the most out of it...



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Closed for the following reasons:

1. This isn't the build board.

2. This is a couple of months old - changing attribute levels in combat areas won't work anymore with the removal of refund points.

3. There are plenty of other solo builds out there that are more up to date.