Special looking weapons/focus/shields
thats a sweet axe
hey that's me showing you the plasma sword! R I N Pvp
I would never rip someone off for such an easy collector item to get

thanks, bowwow
Never saw a Horn Bow like this. The icon in my inventory is a normal Horn Bow, so I guess this belongs here lol. Also the icon looks similiar in a way to the Storm Bow which is next to the normal Horn Bow.
Originally Posted by NekoZ
Never saw a Horn Bow like this. The icon in my inventory is a normal Horn Bow, so I guess this belongs here lol. Also the icon looks similiar in a way to the Storm Bow which is next to the normal Horn Bow. The icon in your inventory is the mursaat horn bow.
The one you're holding drops in Kryta (and even as early as Yak's Bend).
The one with twin serpents (one on each end) drops everywhere else from old ascalon to the desert.
"Normal" or most dropped horn bows look like this:

Oh, thanks for clearing that up.
William The Smasher
Originally Posted by NekoZ
Never saw a Horn Bow like this. The icon in my inventory is a normal Horn Bow, so I guess this belongs here lol. Also the icon looks similiar in a way to the Storm Bow which is next to the normal Horn Bow. i found a bow that looked like that, but the icon was different and it was called a long bow. it looked exactly like that. kinda like a non-translucent storm bow as mentioned before. it was max too, i probably shouldve kept it.
Originally Posted by William The Smasher
i found a bow that looked like that, but the icon was different and it was called a long bow. it looked exactly like that. kinda like a non-translucent storm bow as mentioned before. it was max too, i probably shouldve kept it.
Did it look like this:
By the way, these pictures are from http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html if you want to browse the weapon looks. Some weapons aren't shown though.

By the way, these pictures are from http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html if you want to browse the weapon looks. Some weapons aren't shown though.
William The Smasher
Originally Posted by Interregnum
Did it look like this:
By the way, these pictures are from http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html if you want to browse the weapon looks. Some weapons aren't shown though. no it looked like neko's

By the way, these pictures are from http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html if you want to browse the weapon looks. Some weapons aren't shown though. no it looked like neko's
thats a dead bow

Originally Posted by Interregnum
The icon in your inventory is the mursaat horn bow.
Note that design does not say "mursaat" in the name, though.
And that is what I was saying I've seen as early as Gates of Kryta.
Here's an example:
Larger size
And that is what I was saying I've seen as early as Gates of Kryta.
Here's an example:
Larger size
Holy shit. That bow is the coolest I've ever seen sledgeunderhill. Finally a reason to make a Ranger!

Just found this staff.
Never seen anything like it o_o
And then there's the fake crystalline sword;
Never seen anything like it o_o
And then there's the fake crystalline sword;
That Smiting Staff is cool

judging by the stats on that smiting staff its either collectors or a questreward though. I bet u cant find it as loot

Yup, I found in Old ascalon while I was helping a friend with the early missions 
Hm, I think xD

Hm, I think xD
sweet jesus motherfuffer, thats a nice staff ray :>
I didn't see anyone post this one......
Looks like I took Fiery Dragon Sword Handle and poked an Ettin in the Eye
I also have 2 Jewelled Staves that look like 2 hydra heads (one purple, 1 plain white (both max dmg Illusin Req )) (Arcanis posted a screenshot of those)
and I also have 2 Pimp cups too (kago posted a screenshot)
Looks like I took Fiery Dragon Sword Handle and poked an Ettin in the Eye

I also have 2 Jewelled Staves that look like 2 hydra heads (one purple, 1 plain white (both max dmg Illusin Req )) (Arcanis posted a screenshot of those)
and I also have 2 Pimp cups too (kago posted a screenshot)
Originally Posted by berko
Looks like I took Fiery Dragon Sword Handle and poked an Ettin in the Eye
With a bit imagination..

i never knew ettins had eyes, too ugly to check
This is the skin for Tanzit's Defender, a unique shield. I don't recall having ever seen this shield skin before, but maybe I'm wrong

Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
Holy shit. That bow is the coolest I've ever seen sledgeunderhill. Finally a reason to make a Ranger!
Not really, as all horn bows suck ass. But rangers pwn!
And OT, you're right, it's a new skin (well, model actually). It looks good with your warrior there too...if that's you, that is.

And OT, you're right, it's a new skin (well, model actually). It looks good with your warrior there too...if that's you, that is.

Originally Posted by id0l
Not really, as all horn bows suck ass. But rangers pwn!

ray got them in a quest and that staff is yakslapper skin
where do i get me one of these?

found it here

found it here
Originally Posted by Mentalmdc
where do i get me one of these?

found it here
http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html Can't now, but i think back in the BWE you could....

found it here
http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html Can't now, but i think back in the BWE you could....
Originally Posted by Mentalmdc
where do i get me one of these?

found it here
http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html prob the best looking sword in the game IMO. rumor has it that it was removed for future expansions

found it here
http://realmsbeyond.net/gw/armaments.html prob the best looking sword in the game IMO. rumor has it that it was removed for future expansions
Theres my sword.
Theres my sword.
Theres my sword.
Long sword

yeah thats the longsword with the crystalline skin, i also found one of those earth staffs recently, and several of those cup icons