Plea for respawn button
Nicro Mancer
So i have just spent hours getting me and my group of henchies from granite citadel to Nyh Darkclaw. I'm at 60% DP and trying to find him. So i kill off as many enemy as i can before i inevtably die, and run a marathon to get to where i died. I can live with that. However, after about the 76th battle, i die, but most of my henchmen are still alive, and theres only one enemy left, so i think cool, we've actually killed off a group without dieing...
Just as i think that, the "respawning in 5..4..3.etc" message appears, even though 5 out of 8 of my henchmen are alive, and we've nearly killed the enemy. That annoys me, but i accept it and run back. This time i get abit further. Now as usual, we get killed off pretty quickly, accept for little thom. He thinks, hey i don't want to die, and runs off like a coward. He is currently running between a rock and a mountain and refuses to go anywhere else.
Please arenanet make me able to respawn my party - It is only henchmen, and it quite frankly takes the piss that i've wasted all these hours, for an AI character to get stuck between arock and a mountain. I don't care if i lose DP - i'm at 60% already so it can't get any worse.
Why the hell does it respawn me when there is no need to do so, but doesn't let me respawn when i need to?
If there is actually a respawn button which i have missed. Please someone tell me...
Just as i think that, the "respawning in 5..4..3.etc" message appears, even though 5 out of 8 of my henchmen are alive, and we've nearly killed the enemy. That annoys me, but i accept it and run back. This time i get abit further. Now as usual, we get killed off pretty quickly, accept for little thom. He thinks, hey i don't want to die, and runs off like a coward. He is currently running between a rock and a mountain and refuses to go anywhere else.
Please arenanet make me able to respawn my party - It is only henchmen, and it quite frankly takes the piss that i've wasted all these hours, for an AI character to get stuck between arock and a mountain. I don't care if i lose DP - i'm at 60% already so it can't get any worse.
Why the hell does it respawn me when there is no need to do so, but doesn't let me respawn when i need to?
If there is actually a respawn button which i have missed. Please someone tell me...
It respawns you when it detects there is no sufficient resurrection in the remaining party. Supposedly they fixed the bug that you encountered, but I guess it still exists in this case...
A kill henchmen button would be nice... I'd use it on Alesia tho... a lot...
A kill henchmen button would be nice... I'd use it on Alesia tho... a lot...
Nicro Mancer
or make it kill of the bastards after 5 minutes of them being alone or something, but this has just pissed me off. If anyone from arenanet sees this, give me the skill i was looking for, well of power as compensation

Nicro Mancer
and now the games given mean error=7 and booted me from the game. Great...
That's just depressing.. I had this happen to me too--incidentally also where you did.
Just know you're not the only one.
Just know you're not the only one.
Originally Posted by Lasareth
It respawns you when it detects there is no sufficient resurrection in the remaining party. Supposedly they fixed the bug that you encountered, but I guess it still exists in this case...
A kill henchmen button would be nice... I'd use it on Alesia tho... a lot... |
Ugh, yeah, Alesia got stuck in an endless loop after the party died one time while skill capping.
She had a lot of fun pacing back and forth. I didn't have so much fun having to restart the explorable area.
She had a lot of fun pacing back and forth. I didn't have so much fun having to restart the explorable area.
salja Wachi
they are working hard on the AI so this does not happen. however it still does, hopefull they will have it fixed in future updates :

Elistan Theocrat
Originally Posted by Lasareth
It respawns you when it detects there is no sufficient resurrection in the remaining party. Supposedly they fixed the bug that you encountered, but I guess it still exists in this case...
A kill henchmen button would be nice... I'd use it on Alesia tho... a lot... |
Nicro Mancer
but couldn't they just introduce a quick fix until they improve the AI.?
As long as there is a gib effect when alesia goes boom, im happy. Maybe a little smoldering crater where she used to be would be nice too.
I am just sad if things look even remotely bad, that its just better to ditch the henchmen and let them feed the monsters so i dont get stuck.
I am just sad if things look even remotely bad, that its just better to ditch the henchmen and let them feed the monsters so i dont get stuck.
I love the kamikaze Alesia idea. Hey she loves to tank right? So let her wander up to a mob, they pound on her... BOOM! It'll be even more abused than Putrid was.

Yeah see, its perfect. Just give her a little cameo voice going uh oh ala worms, or i got a preseant for ya ala command and conquer, then BOOOOOM! Maybe a little mushroom cloud with falling carnage that was once a healing monk.
I know i would wear out that button the day it would be released.
I like alesia, really..
I know i would wear out that button the day it would be released.
I like alesia, really..

Divinitys Creature
I'd like to watch Alesia explode.
They could make it so there is a toggleable button when you have Alesia in your party.
Alesia combat Raise Warrior/Monk Mode: On or Off
That way you could solve two problems. One that gets you stuck in an infinite loop when you're dead, and another that will more than likely not cause your henchmen party to wipe in the first place.
They could go the extra mile and screen the chat logs of Warrior/Monks in Random Arenas and give Alesia some randomized quotes to spout at the monsters after she runs face first into them to die. For example: "you guys are noobs I can own ten warrior at the same time solo" or like "OMG HAX1@!!!!"
Alesia combat Raise Warrior/Monk Mode: On or Off
That way you could solve two problems. One that gets you stuck in an infinite loop when you're dead, and another that will more than likely not cause your henchmen party to wipe in the first place.
They could go the extra mile and screen the chat logs of Warrior/Monks in Random Arenas and give Alesia some randomized quotes to spout at the monsters after she runs face first into them to die. For example: "you guys are noobs I can own ten warrior at the same time solo" or like "OMG HAX1@!!!!"
Or "omg u got rushed 2 drok's didnt u noob"
Ventius Hozza
well, i was in shiverpeaks somewhere and my party gets killed off, apart from reyna and theres a seige ice golem right next to her... what does she do? stands there and gets hit by "water trident" every time the golem can use it again and doesnt fight back, just regens the health it took off here each time. this took so long i couldnt bear it any more so i quit. next time i go out and its ///reyna, alesia and thom vs. ss.archer, dolyak master and ss. carver.\\\ as you can see, equal teams with equal stats. LAME. this also was ended prematurely by my "quittage". henchmen are the worst, id much rather just get owned by myself than with a party of hench