This sword is pretty rare.
Vampiric Brute Sword of Warding
15-22 req 8
+15% dmg while enchanted
3:1 Life stealing
7 Warding
c/o In-game is 100k
I accept anything above 100k, meaning ectos (8k each nowadays -_-), rubies (7k each perhaps), sapphires (6k each), as well as $$ as long as we use MCS or perhaps collateral (we'll work something out)
If you dislike the 3:1 and 7 warding mods but would bid if they were something else, put a post about that on here. I am interested in making $$, not "selling a vampiric brute sword of warding" so, like a car salesman, I can customize your order ^^ if need be, for a price we can work out.
Happy Bidding! Oh, and minimum bid increment is 500 gold.
The sword is currently dyed green as it amused potential buyers in-game.
I will not advertise this sword in-game as long as I get bids here.
-- Sciros
GOLD *BRUTE SWORD* req 8 15% while enchanted
Sciros Darkblade
COunt it If it GoEs
uhh, i dont rele like the 3-1 but if u put a fortitude mod on it 27-30 i will buy it ign joey killz
Ruoenkruez Tudor
hey dude i sold one of these a few months ago for 300k
Larry the Hippo
just wondering, does this brute sword look like stefan, the fight henches sword or have a wider blade and no cross piece.
if the former, im very interested.
if the former, im very interested.
Antonio Ferragamo
Originally Posted by Larry the Hippo
just wondering, does this brute sword look like stefan, the fight henches sword or have a wider blade and no cross piece.
if the former, im very interested. the sword that stefan has is the black long sword.
if the former, im very interested. the sword that stefan has is the black long sword.
Larry the Hippo
black long sword? never heard of such a thing. i have heard a brute sword refer to the type he carries, and i know you can get one like it out from a collector in the north desert, called just a "long sword."
I'll give 105K
IGN = Simon The Master
IGN = Simon The Master
VA Blitz
Originally Posted by Larry the Hippo
just wondering, does this brute sword look like stefan, the fight henches sword or have a wider blade and no cross piece.
if the former, im very interested. Brute Swords look like the swords that the Orcs use in the Lord of the Rings movies. Hope that helps.
if the former, im very interested. Brute Swords look like the swords that the Orcs use in the Lord of the Rings movies. Hope that helps.
The Herbalizer