what do i do? i went across the bridge and dropped the honeycomb but nothing is happening.
lore the bees away quest, question
Originally Posted by vizionblind
what do i do? i went across the bridge and dropped the honeycomb but nothing is happening.
ideas? |

You have to get 3 groups, two are almost immediate and the 3rd is a little down by the water. Make sure all three are following you and when you cross the bridge, you should get a quest update. Drop the comb and go back to Milton. GL!
ya need to get 3 swarms with u when you cross the bridge. 1 of them is across the water and the other 2 are around the quest giver not far. once you have em all then cross bridge. you can tell you have them because 3 distinct swarms will be around you and if you look on ground you will see 3 roundish shadows.