I just finished Pre-Searing Ascalon and got to ascalon and the first thing I did was purchase skills from Bertran. There were only 3 monk skills for my W/Mo that I could purchase..but I didnt realize they cost skill points (on top of the money) until after I bought them...Im new =)
Anyways I was wondering how important skill points are? And is the only way to get them by leveling up? Is there anyway to get them refunded?
Also I know that you get a chance to try another secondary Profession later in the game...does this refund your skill points that you used on the secondary class?
Thanks for any help.
Question About Skill Points
You get a skill point each time you level up and for completing the main objective for each mission. When you reach the level cap of 20, every 20,000 experience points nets you another skill point.
You can't get skill points refunded after you spend them on skills. Don't worry, just do a few missions and level up. You'll have more later. Also, changing secondaries doesn't refund skill points either; you'll still have the skills unlocked for your character, but since you don't have the primary or secondary profession to use those skills, you won't be able to equip them.
You can't get skill points refunded after you spend them on skills. Don't worry, just do a few missions and level up. You'll have more later. Also, changing secondaries doesn't refund skill points either; you'll still have the skills unlocked for your character, but since you don't have the primary or secondary profession to use those skills, you won't be able to equip them.
Adding onto what Savio said, let's take a W/Mo as an example.
If the W/Mo wants to change to a W/E, then he completes the quest to change his secondary class. He will keep his Monk skills, but he can't see them nor use them until he changes back to a W/Mo.
Some people decide to "farm," or repeatedly kill a certain mob of creatures to gain items and experience, as he/she will do this solo, giving him/her more experience over all. After you reach the level cap, instead of levels when you fill your green bar, you gain 1 skill point.
If the W/Mo wants to change to a W/E, then he completes the quest to change his secondary class. He will keep his Monk skills, but he can't see them nor use them until he changes back to a W/Mo.
Some people decide to "farm," or repeatedly kill a certain mob of creatures to gain items and experience, as he/she will do this solo, giving him/her more experience over all. After you reach the level cap, instead of levels when you fill your green bar, you gain 1 skill point.
Also don't be sorry that you got those 3 monk skills with skill points - two of those skills you can only get in pre-searing as a Monk primary, and the other (Guardian) can only be gotten from Sir Bertram anyways.
You'll find that you can get most of your skills from quest's - this is the optimum way of getting most of your skills for your primary & secondary classes. Just do all the npc quest's that give your skills .. that way you can get most of the skills you'll need/want easily.
You should also note that there are skill trainer's who will offer you skills that aren't offered in any of the quest's. These skill trainers are usually found in out-of-the-way outpost's which usually don't have any other quest's involved - such as places like Grendich Courthouse.. Like in the courthouse there's a skill trainer that offer's Pheonix for elementalit's, and this is the only place to get the skill - well, there might be another way.. but that leads to the next point..
Elites & bosses - you need Skill Point's if you want to capture elite skills off of bosses (or any other normal skill that a boss might have..). To do this you "buy" a Signet of Capture, which costs 1 spill point each & gold, kill a boss and use the signet. For each elite/skill you want to capture off bosses you need 1 Signet.. and to get signets you need skill points.
Also if/when you change your secondary profession you should go and visit all the previous regions. This is because chances are there will be quest's for you to do that were only available to the profession you just switched to. - ie say you went from say a W/Mo to a W/R .. if you went back to Old Ascalon and went to where Master Ranger Nemtre is standing.. you'll find he'll have quest's for you to do, whereas with your W/Mo he has nothing for you.
So you can save yourself a few skill points just by going around every town/outpost/area and getting all the new quest's that pop up and getting a slew of skills that way.
You'll find that you can get most of your skills from quest's - this is the optimum way of getting most of your skills for your primary & secondary classes. Just do all the npc quest's that give your skills .. that way you can get most of the skills you'll need/want easily.
You should also note that there are skill trainer's who will offer you skills that aren't offered in any of the quest's. These skill trainers are usually found in out-of-the-way outpost's which usually don't have any other quest's involved - such as places like Grendich Courthouse.. Like in the courthouse there's a skill trainer that offer's Pheonix for elementalit's, and this is the only place to get the skill - well, there might be another way.. but that leads to the next point..
Elites & bosses - you need Skill Point's if you want to capture elite skills off of bosses (or any other normal skill that a boss might have..). To do this you "buy" a Signet of Capture, which costs 1 spill point each & gold, kill a boss and use the signet. For each elite/skill you want to capture off bosses you need 1 Signet.. and to get signets you need skill points.
Also if/when you change your secondary profession you should go and visit all the previous regions. This is because chances are there will be quest's for you to do that were only available to the profession you just switched to. - ie say you went from say a W/Mo to a W/R .. if you went back to Old Ascalon and went to where Master Ranger Nemtre is standing.. you'll find he'll have quest's for you to do, whereas with your W/Mo he has nothing for you.
So you can save yourself a few skill points just by going around every town/outpost/area and getting all the new quest's that pop up and getting a slew of skills that way.
You should have 24 skill points from missions (1 from each mission) and roughly 20 skill points from leveling to 20. My advice is to not buy any skills that don't fit into the main attributes you are increasing. In addition, I would not reccomend buying skills until slightly later in the game when you have done more quests to gain skills. Skills that you gain through quests cost nothing.