Serious trouble with beating mirror!!!!!!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005


ok...ive tried 100 times now!!!!, I read other posts they all prety much say the same thing about the skills, I keep the skills on but doppleganger dosent use them as often, he mosty attacks me with bow or axe and I cant dodge that, and since my health is +500 he takes off about 100 per hit!!!, wut do I do, im a necromancer/monk!!!!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Taunton, Mass.

bring loads of sacerfice and i guess a reversal of fortune. why are u taking 100 damage each hit. i had armor from lions arch and only took 50.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Soul Devourers


bring healing breeze as well. doppelganger doesn't use it, while you can spam it. with the sacrifices and reversal of fortune you should be able to defeat it. also, you can cast as many enchanments as you like before going into battle (triggering the cut-scene). use it as your advantage as well.

Mr Jazzy

Mr Jazzy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Mending For The [win]


i killed my doppleganger (R/N) with dps. i used rotting flesh and kept plague touching him, and signet of agony too.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

balthazars aura + symbol of wrath + zealots fire + divine spirit + divine boon

put on zealots when u start, run up to him use balthazars aura, then symbol of wrath, then divine spirit and spam divine boon.

he dies in 8 seconds.

12 smiting

not sure about divine spirit i used it as a monk but u prolly dont need it.

either that or Retribution + healing breeze. u gotta dodge a few arrows if ur really low on hp, and have him kill himself with retribution

The Amazing Krandor

The Amazing Krandor

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


I have a Necro/Monk, and I killed my doppleganger by using sacrifice skills (Defile Flesh and Enfeebling Blood are two good ones because they have pretty massive sacrifice costs, and don't do anything if you don't use healing and don't attack - neither of which you really need to do; Dark Pact is another good one simply because it does more damage to the caster than it does to the opponent!), and curses like Insidious Parasite (if you don't attack, it doesn't matter if he casts it on you; you do want to cast this on him, though). Then run around a lot while he essentially kills himself trying to throw spells on you. If you think you need healing, then you can use Healing Breeze, as mentioned, because a) he won't use it, and b) it's unaffected by Defile Flesh.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Calgary AB.

Wanta Fanta [WTF] mo/mes, war/el, nec/ra


necro is by far the easiest mirror to beat!

Perishiko ReLLiK

Perishiko ReLLiK

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Divine Guardians of the Soul (Soul)


Holy crap...

Necro primary... first of all, bring something that hurts him eh? How about the spell that makes you sacrifice 50% more health, and make him suicide... easy...

Monk secondary... if you dont have any "degen" then bring healing breeze, they dont use it... and how about some smite for some aoe that npcs wont move out of?

You have such an easy way of beating him, not only that... but multiple ways. Quite a few more then i stated i'm sure.

Red Sonya

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Lol I killed my doppleganer in less than 30 seconds the very first time. It apparently doesn't use the skills like I do cause Balthazar's Aura just wiped the floor with him and he never activated his. Try using DOT type skills on him if you have any, they don't seem to use them at least mine didn't.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

You can kill him in under 15 seconds with just two spells.

Awaken the Blood
Verata's Aura

He will cast AtB, then VA, then AtB again, then VA again. When he casts VA the second time, he dies.

You don't need to do ANYTHING. Go get a soda.

Charcoal Ann

Charcoal Ann

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

In a World of BADGERS!

Eternal Flame Brotherhood

the way i did it was Price of Failure then dodge a lot. breeze if you want.

he keeps missing and taking dmg... easy

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


Am i the only one that kill my mirror using my melee weapon only (Warrior/Elementlist) I try to beat him by bring different elementlist's skills (fire storm, metero, and thing that take long time to summon) but he kill me within minutes. So i decided to bring my hammers and use power strike till he died.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005




take ultimaXtreme's advice. Invest into smiting, take balth aura, symbol of wrath, zealots fire, and banish for smiting. Take healing breeze for heal.

Crank up smiting, leave healing at around 9 or so. Bring other sacrifice hp skills from your necro prof.

Cast zealots, then stand next to dopple (he won't move). Cast BA and Symbol to get like around 40 dmg a sec. Use banish on him as much as u can. Maybe take bane signet to, for the knockdown effect(thats what i did).

The smiting line is your friend. You'll beat him in like 15 secs or less.

Red Sonya

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

hehe yep smiting is the key I think also. I've gone back and fought mine over and over and still kick his butt everytime. It's fun.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

To sir skulkcrasher: W/X is the easiest battle in the world. 1 skill and you can melee your dopple to death. I regularly beat mine in 20 seconds or less.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Quebec, Canada

L'ordre [LO]


As a secondary monk, you can bring Life Attunement...

While you maintain this "Enchantment", target ally deals 30% less damage in combat, but gains 14-43% more health when healed.
He won't heal himself... so it's pretty useless for him