Please leave IGN and offer. For the good items, I'll probably wait a few days. For the others, I'll probably take the first reasonable offer. My IGN is Lolo Kalbo, Lolo Sepulturero, and Ody Keener. Thanks.
1. Longbow 15-28, req8, +13%^50, health +26
2. Short Bow 15-28, req13, +14%>50, ar +5 elem
3. Ebon Giant Slayers Hammer 19-35, req10, ar +7 elem
4. Zealous Foehammer 15-22, req12, +15%^50, Hammer Mastery +1 16%
5. Break Hammer 19-35, req10, +17% hexed, Hammer Mastery +1 15%
6. Zealous Battlepick 6-28, req11, +16% hexed, Ar +5 elem
7. Spatha 15-22, req12, +14%^50, lengthens bleeding
8. Shocking Brute Sword 15-21, req11, +20<50, ar +6 elem
9. Smiting Rod 11-22, req12 SP, improves casting speed 8%, E+3 enchanted
10. Holy Rod 11-22, req9 DF, E+3>50
11. Protective Icon +12, req13PP, Ar +5 and E -5 always
12. Divine Symbol +12, req11 DF, Blood Magic +1 18%
13. Divine Symbol +12, req 12 DF, Health +24 while enchanted
14. Idol +12, req11 Blood, ar +6 <50
15. Healing Ankh +10, req7HP, AR+4 and Health-20 always
16. Axe Grip of Shelter Ar +7 physical
17. Hammer Grip of Hammer Mastery +1 18%
WTS 13 Gold Max Items with mods plus 4 others
Lolo Kalbo