If ever the DEVS will put a tavern on the next expansion, it would be great to have mini games in there to burn some time and gold or make gold.
1. Dance dance revolution-like dance contest:
Players can compete in a dance off. Most of you know what DDR is, The arrow keys will be used as controller to follow the dance moves. Player with the highest score wins. He/she can win gold or some items.
2. Card games:
It can be poker or the DEVS can create a new card game. Like for example: the card game in FFVIII. Players bet gold or platinums. There could also be a card collecting and players can unlock special cards by winning special games. The special cards are like Elite skills. It can give you an advantage on the game, but also watch out, coz other players could have a special card too.
3. Marksmanship game:
game like knife throwing(hit the target); and dart. Also bets will be placed to play the game.
4. Beer drinking contest:
Whoever drinks the most wins. But player must watch over the pacing of taking in the beer. If you ae not careful, the players character could pass out of drunkenness. Bets also be placed.
5. Slots:
No need to explain.
The winnings could be gold or unid items.
Pls. add more ideas for the mini games