1) Poisoner's Storm Bow of Fortitude (Purple)
14-28 req 9
lengthens poison duration
+20 health
2) Clean max damg chaos axe
6-28 req 8
3) Spiked Axe of Fortitude (Purple)
6-28 req 11
11% damg in stance
+21 health
4) Spiked Axe of TRollslaying (Purple)
6-28 req 11
14% against trolls
5) Aegis (Purple)
16 armour req 11 tactics
armour +5 vs skeletons
6) Furious Chaos Axe (blue)
5-26 req 11
double adrenaline 5%
WTS Some Good Stuff take a look
5k on #6
2k on #2
8k on #6
IGN smitey micsmite
IGN smitey micsmite
10k on #6
IGN = Shaolin Steve
IGN = Shaolin Steve
12k on 6
OK, sry guys i made a mistake on #6 and its double adrenaline 5% sry bout that. i know its not good any more so all bids on it or considered gone but for some reason u still want it bid again, sry I remade this post so its at the top same stuff though