I'm level 8, been in post-seared ascalon for a little while now, but all the henchmen are only level 3. They die so quickly when facing the smallest groups of charr. I'd have thought that henchies should be the same level as the player, not the minimum level for the area.
Anyone got any details on henchman and their levels?
Henchmen so low level?
Yeah, from what I've seen, In all the areas I've bene so far - theyre all level 3. This is quite low.
Hopefully it's a bug and they'll make the Henchman the average level of your group, or just higher level depending on the city you're in, as you get further along. Level 3's are pretty useless.
The henchmen level is dependent on the level of the area your in as far as I know. In ascalon missions its 3, yaks bend and dwarf missions its 6, kryta its 10 and so on. It is not an average of the players levels.
- Kcha
- Kcha
Actually, the henchman levels vary from outpost to outpost. Ascalon City and Sardellac Sanitarium have level 3 henchmen, but Piken Square has level 6 guys, Nolani Academy and Grendich Courthouse have level 8 henchmen. I don't recall what level the henchmen were in Fort Ranik, Frontier Gate, Ruins of Surmia, or Serenity temple were, but I'd assume somewhere within the range of 3-6. As you get further in the game, the henchmen level does rise.
That's good. From the first couple posts it almost sounded like level 3 Henchman were later in the game as well. Nice to know that they have higher level ones.