Wts +15% Always Gold Fellblade
10k On This
Dreamcatcher X
IGN Maximus Arius Bhaal
IGN Maximus Arius Bhaal
Dr Cuddles
IGN Teh Chimney Pimp
IGN Teh Chimney Pimp
Sciros Darkblade
55k for it. High req, but otherwise it makes me happy. Put a zealous mod on it LOL
Solo Prime
my in game names:
Solo Prime
Solo Shot
Bull Mon Goni
my in game names:
Solo Prime
Solo Shot
Bull Mon Goni
Sciros Darkblade
65k for the Fell
Wouldn't you then have -1 energy twice = -2 energy, too low for warrior.
Sciros Darkblade
Originally Posted by Tom425
Wouldn't you then have -1 energy twice = -2 energy, too low for warrior.
Heck Yeah! And with an offhand focus that has -1 energy degen, I can have 0 energy all day long. Oh man that's so l33t ^^. I wonder, if I have 0 energy, can Energy Burn and Energy Surge work on me?
i can't see the pic, can you type out the stats?