buying skills?
do i have to specialize in a certain area in orer to buy skills in that area? for exaple do i have to be a healing prayers monk in order to buy healing prayers skills? If not where in Ascalon city (post searing) can i get skills for my guy? I found one trainer but all he sells is Protection skill abilities and domination magic abilities. During beta I thought i bought from the same guy and I could pick and choose whatever I wanted but now he isnt selling them all. Is there someone else or did I just mess up my charac by not choosing a specialization? any info would be greatly appreciated..thanks
You can buy all skills for your primary and secondary profession you don't have to "specialize" to do that.
You have to go out in the explorable areas to find NPC's that give you quests with skill rewards.
There's a monk trainer out in Old Ascalon, to find him go down to the Sanitarium, and if you make a sharp turn to the right after leaving this outpost you should find him after a short walk. It can help if you press and hold ALT key to scout for ally NPC's and to check the minimap every once in awhile.
You have to go out in the explorable areas to find NPC's that give you quests with skill rewards.
There's a monk trainer out in Old Ascalon, to find him go down to the Sanitarium, and if you make a sharp turn to the right after leaving this outpost you should find him after a short walk. It can help if you press and hold ALT key to scout for ally NPC's and to check the minimap every once in awhile.
I got at least Restore Life from a new skill trainer in Grendich Courthouse.
Northeast of Nolani. You can check a map here if you're unsure where it is.
He of course has many other skills you may find interesting, but that's the one I learnt, I don't really recall many others, although he did sell Judge's Insight, Phoenix, Immolation, Protection From Elements, and a bunch of others.
I'm getting the impression that they're now instead of having just trainers with huge lists in major towns, spreading them out a bit and reducing their lists.
Northeast of Nolani. You can check a map here if you're unsure where it is.
He of course has many other skills you may find interesting, but that's the one I learnt, I don't really recall many others, although he did sell Judge's Insight, Phoenix, Immolation, Protection From Elements, and a bunch of others.
I'm getting the impression that they're now instead of having just trainers with huge lists in major towns, spreading them out a bit and reducing their lists.