Edit by Chief: Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. Do not post until a full 24 hours have past since your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to add information or answer a question. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum.
insightful smiting staff of shelter (gold)
energy + 10
light dmg 11-22 (req 10 smiting prayers)
improves casting speed (chance 8%)
improves skill recharge (chance 8%)
energy + 4
armour + 6 (vs phsyical attacks)
once offered leave ur ign so i can contact you
selling a very nice smiting staff
bump the starting price is 20k
i offer 25k
bump my highest offer is 30k on another board
please read the rules re: 24hr bump..
and I guess free bump for you
and I guess free bump for you
Originally Posted by falz
bump my highest offer is 30k on another board
35k then.