Gold Shocking Longbow of Fortitude.
Lighting dmg: 15-28, req. 11 marksmanship.
Dmg+15% (Always!)
Armor -10 (While attacking)
Health +29.
People said its worth 100k+, but I have no sense of market prices
PC>Godly? Longbow
If this is a price check, then it's in the wrong forum and should be in the ETC section. Free /bump!
Judas Paladin
100k+ is a good guess
id pc it at 150k-200kish
maybe more if it's a feathered one
id pc it at 150k-200kish
maybe more if it's a feathered one
Lag Hell
I agree with Judas
If its feathered skin, around 250k
If its feathered skin, around 250k
what's with the feather thing and it's value?
is it just that it looks better? or have some hidden mods.
is it just that it looks better? or have some hidden mods.
I'll buy it for 100K
GW Names:
Bobby Sue and/or
Pandora Berserk
GW Names:
Bobby Sue and/or
Pandora Berserk
Ah, sorry, I was searching over the Etc. section for a long time for this post, dont know how I accidently post it here. Um, for the feather skin thing, im not sure what that means, cept that mine looks like a normal longbow (the same as an ascalon bow and a flatbow). If anyone want to offer more than Chewbacca (100k), offer here and leave IGN.
IGN--Din Metrion
IGN--Din Metrion