Originally Posted by Blackace
Oh ok, I see what your saying now. I thought this was a team that like, once they engaged just used WD/Traps and oath shot would be better. But if you dont wanna pull I see where the QZ comes in, but no reason for EW.
The technique is simple. Drop EW, then QZ, then Serpent's Quickness.
EW reduces your recharge costs by 33% but slows down your recharge. QZ+Serpents counters this by speeding up your recharge.
The result is a significantly faster recharge on your skills with less energy cost. With a trap's life running at 90 secs, that allows you roughly 1 minute or 90 seconds to lay as many traps as possible before you need to pull. For a single ranger with a beefed up energy pool, that could mean up to 10-15 traps before creatures have to be pulled. Multiply that by the number in your team, and you have a lethal amount of traps, with no need for Oath Shot.