Accepting offers on all the following items , I havent yet thought up a buyout price but feel free to contact me ingame (Elogas Of Ithorian / add me - multiple names) If you wish to buyout one of the items. (only accept high offers on No 9 - currently being used)
WTS : 10 (GOLD) max Defence Shields
Lynx Of Ithorian
Ruoenkruez Tudor
10k forsecond tall shield
30k on #9 or 20K on #2
IGN "Die Fusions"
IGN "Die Fusions"
50K on #9
What is the buy out on #2?. I might be able to make the 11 tactics work.
A Rabbit
55k #9
60K on #9
Lynx Of Ithorian
Havent thought up a buyout on any of the items yet , contact me ingame if you wish to offer one