Making 2 characters. Need advice.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


So, I've played through entire game with my R/Me.

Now I want to make 2 new characters covering the other 4 classes. What would be good combinations?

Also, I refuse to use a necro primary.

Between the other 3, all of them have looks that I like so that's comparable, although the ele has better armor than the monk. I hate tattoos.

Also think in terms of possible farming. Maybe 1 of them could be a farmer would be good. I love them vegetables.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


The Adult Guild


I have alot of fun with my monk/necro there is a idea take it or leave it.

ultra healer with well of power

Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Blue Empire [BLUE]


You dont have to use tatooed armor (except the head piece, which you can dye to match your hair). I think W/Mo is overdone, but still very fun, and Mo/W is also excellent. That leaves Ele/N for your third.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Why is Mo/W any use? Only thing I ever hear ppl mention is Bonetti's. Otherwise, it seems you have 70 wasted skills.

Why do ppl use E/Mo for smiting? More energy? Then why are UW solo builds Mo primary?

Does Mo/E run into energy problems? Not enough to heal and damage?
Does W/N run into energy problems? Slow regen and low base?

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

You could try Mo/N. Good for keeping yourself alive and giving damage at same time.

Then W/E for the wards and earth armor. And the knockdown/aftershock thing.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

A basic E/mo or W/mo build is easy and fun - newbie build, but both effective and fun for going through the pve game. I have an e/mo which is great for pve - you deal the most damage of everyone in your party, plus which you can function as a secondary healer when the party struggles as you have big energy reserves and should be out of the main fight (ranged character) youself. And you can keep youself alive in an emergency. A pyromancer would be the most common, and has just been made a little better by the latest skill balance update.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

San Diego, CA US



I'll try to answer your questions, but if anyone knows better feel free to correct.

Originally Posted by Jhyphi
Why is Mo/W any use? Only thing I ever hear ppl mention is Bonetti's. Otherwise, it seems you have 70 wasted skills.
Warriors have nice stances and if I were a Mo/W I wouldn't be wasting time on Bonetti's. To me, the most attractive stance would be Balanced Stance. Why? Cause that means I can kite without fear of knockdowns or extra damage from critical hits. Don't worry about the "70 wasted skills"...many of the effective builds have a specific purpose in mind and that is usually tied in with the primary job don't worry if you are only using 1 skill from your secondary profession.

Originally Posted by Jhyphi
Why do ppl use E/Mo for smiting? More energy? Then why are UW solo builds Mo primary?

Does Mo/E run into energy problems? Not enough to heal and damage?
People use E/Mo for Smiting not only because of the energy factor, but also because Ether Renewal is tied in with Energy Storage. Ether Renewal allows any Ele to simply replenish all his/her Energy and Health in a matter of several seconds. Thus a E/Mo has pretty distinct advantage over a Mo/E as a pure Smiter.

Originally Posted by Jhyphi
Does W/N run into energy problems? Slow regen and low base?
Again, I think you are trying to mix too much of your secondary with your primary class. If you want your W/N to be effective in PvP, just carry one (or two) Necro skill(s) whether that's Strip Enchantment, Weaken Armor, Rend Echantment, Plague Touch). If you are really insistent on loading your skill bar with more than one Necro Skill, then you should carry a foci or create a new PvP toon that is a Necro Primary. BTW, back to the Warrior side, make sure you have Glad armor on for the energy boost with Knight boots.

Hope this helps.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Thanks for the replies. However, keep in mind these 2 characters I'm creating are for 90% PvE.

The 4th slot which I change around is for PvP since you can get much better armor/weapons/runes/etc.

So, based on that, does anyone have any new thoughts as to playability/enjoyment factor through the PvE portion which also gives me a chance to learn the professions?

Maybe that's too much to ask and I just lucked out when I chose R/Me that I was able to try both and mix and match a lot throughout the game. My Pvp builds are a lot more specialized.


Flame Bait

Join Date: Mar 2005



my suggestion would be to go War/Ele and Mo/necro
or war/n and mo/ele

Monk,warrior, and eles are the 3 eaisest class to get parties for.

Monk primary is the easiest Class to get parties, youll probabaly never get stuck at any PvE Mission. Being a good healer in PvP takes some time to develop and while PvE healing is nothing compared to PvP healing the extra exeperince can only help. A necro secondary isnt really great for a healer till you get offering of blood but once you get it youll never run into energy management troubles. the only downside I can see to a Mo/N is that this class combo has no sprint skills so if you want to run to the next town or skip a mission you might find some trouble doing it. If you want to got the ele secondary route wards arent a bad choice for defense and being able to respec for solo fire nuking early in the game isnt bad to help level up (you dont get the good smite spells (zealots fire,balth aura, shield of judgement) till later in the game) Being a primary monk you probalay wont get to experiemnt with your secodary too much, but unless you like being some sort of minion master your not missing much in pve.

A Warrior can probabaly beat the missions the fastest hes only behind the monk in finding a party but some PvE people might be behind the bias that war/mos make the best tanks and as a non war/mo, a war/ele or war/necro migth be looked down upon (in PvP its reveresed war/mos are looked down upon). Playing a war/ele you probabaly wont get to take advanatge of too many spells but that can be said of any secondary, there are a few skills in the earth and air lines that mesh very well with a warrior primary. if you want to go with a necro secondary the curses line has some nice stuff that meshs well with a necro. You might be tempted to try the blood line of skills for some of the spells or be some kind of vampiric death knight but you find out the healing from that line isnt too great and the enegry cost is too high to be efffective with warriors limited energy. Plague touch is a must on any PvE or random arena W/N as very few PvE monks pack condition removal.

As A PvEer Ele youll probabaly have to play as a fire nuker to beat the missions the fastest, earth doesnt mesh too well as its defensive and PbAoE which with thin ele armor isnt smart, water could be nice but you see very few good water eles so the demand for them is very low, air is not bad for single target damage but to do the most damage in the fastest possible time in PvE fire is probabaly best. if you pick monk secondary you could try a smiting build for pve not sure how the standard smite ele would work in pve but on paper it could work pretty well with a decent tank to smite off of.

really as an PvE ele all you really have to learn is stay in the back let the tanks get the agro and blow the mobs to bits with your high power damage. Ele could Probabaly mesh pretty well with any secondary except warrior as the extra energy can help out any caster class and a non bow ranger. early on an ele can be a decent healer but once your pass about level 10 there is no comparrsion between a maxed out healer monk and healer ele.

For farming you would want to go with w/mo or mo/w depending on what you want to farm. I would suggest getting both as one might be better at farming differnt spots (start with diffenent secondaries a mo only needs to get 1-2 warrior skills to be a good farmer, a warrior probably needs to get 5-6 monk skills for a farming build. El/mo dont make bad farmers either.