In-Depth Guide on Fissure Armor!



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Ying And Yang [YAY]


After seeing alot of pictures and threads about this subject, im hoping to make one that answers everyones questions... "what is this material" etc. Being under works, please leave questions that you feel need to be incorperated in this thread. Thanks and hope you find what your looking for.

What is Fissure of Woe Armor?

Fissure of Woe armor is an Armor (like the normal ones that you get at Draknors or anyother towns with a crafter). You may knotice that all the armors from town to town look alike, just with different Armor Protection. This is where Fissure Armor comes in. People dont want to look like everyone else. The FoW armor is a special armor (which is very very expensive) which could be only found in the Fissure of Woe (acessable from the Temple of Ages when America *or whatever server* your in has favor). This armor is more "kick ass" in looks *as you will see below* and may gain an understanding why people want it. But because it is expensive, FoW armor is only given to those who are dedicated enough to save ~100 ectos and ~100 shards (which as you may know is not cheap). This armor is not necessary, nothing different except looks.

Materials and Price of FoW Armor
[QUOTE=Miss Temptress

Links Broken, Prices (Materials etc) Are listed below for each piece of Armor, Will update these pics As soon as I can, ty.


Every set of Fissure of Woe armor is going to cost you a combination of both Ectos and Shards. (for example; 15 Ectos AND 15 Shards). This does not include the rare materials needed. On every set of Fissure Armor, there is a fee on top of the 15 Ectos and 15 Shards, which is 15k. (The only acception is monk tattoos, who only use Ectos and have to pay 8k per peice). Id like to empasize that this is 15k PER PIECE! So yes if you want the set it will cost you 75k on top of the actual material.


On every piece of armor, there are additional rare material needed to purchase the armor, some need iron ignots, others feathers, all depends on you class (you can see what other material is needed in the pictures above). If you dont know what a Rare Materials you need by the picutre, go to the Grotto or Citadel (the other 15k armor) and check the materials needed there because these are equivelent to the FoW armor.

If it costs you 150 iron ignots and 36 tan hide squares for the say chestpiece of gladiators armor in the Grotto, it will also cost you 150 iron ignots and 36 tan hide squares for FoW armor

On the material list you will not find ectos and shards (this is only for FoW armor) and If the pictures dont load heres a list of how many ectos and shards you need for each piece of armor.

Headpiece: 15 Ectos + 15 Shards (some armors like Elementalist dont have a headpiece.) (Another exception is the tattoos on the monks armor. It does not require Shards (for any piece of the armor, not just the headpiece). )

Chest Piece: 45 Ectos + 45 Shards

Leggings: 30 Ectos + 45 Shards

Guantlets: 15 Ectos + 15 Shards

Boots: 15 Ectos + 15 Shards

the set will cost you (including helmet) 120 Ectos and 120 Shards (yes this is well over 1000k).

Why Fissure of Woe Armor?

First off, FISSURE OF WOE ARMOR HAS THE EXACT SAME AR AND OTHER STATS as ANY 15K ARMOR PIECE (FROM GROTTO or CITADEL) AND THE 1.5K FROM DRAKNORS.. This is a misconception a lot of people get and believe its a 15k AR. So why should people get FoW Armor considering its no better than any other armor, and the reason is, because people can. FoW armor is all about asthetics, the crafting materials are expensive and the quest to the crafter is not an easy one, so having FoW armor makes you all the more "1337" . For many players it a sort of closure. I like to pvp, and dont spend much time on pve considering I beat the game with my warrior and monk is just used for farming. Having FoW armor on my warrior makes me feel more complete when I occasionally get on my PVE player to play. By playing tombs and winning Halls you get lots of money and dont know what to do with it. And to alot of people, FoW armor is the answer.

FoW Crafter

The Quest to the Forgemaster in the Fissure of Woe is usually not an easy one. In order to get to the forgemaster to craft for you, you will need to complete a few quests. (Thanks to Guild Wiki here is a Nice description of each Quest necessary).

Defend the Temple of War

Restore the Temple of War

Destroy the Seeds of Corruption (Optional Khobay the Destoryer)
in order to just get the fissure armor, you will need the quest which requires you to destroy the seeds of corruption. Khobay the destroyer is extra xp if you wish, but not necessary. *EDITED*

(im working on getting pictures of the areas of each quest and how to get there. I plan to get them tonight while getting a couple more pieces of my armor.)

Tip: All Fissure of Woe Armor looks the same. Meaning the Gladiators Warrior FoW Chest piece looks like the Wyvern Warrior chest piece, the only difference are the bonuses it gives you (+10 Pysical Attacks, +20 Pysical Attacks and so on). This concept is the same for all classes (except for the few classes, such as Monk Tattos and Necro Tattoos which are only 8K per piece and require only Ectos for Crafting)..

Pics of the Armor

Warriors FoW Armor:

Elementals FoW Armor:

Monk FoW Armor:

Necro FoW Armor:

Ranger FoW Armor:

Mesmer FoW Armor:

If you have anyother question please post below. I will make sure to update as soon as something comes up. Thanks to Guild Wiki for the picutres and information.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Necro scar patterns also cost 8k.

Does anyone have pictures of the FoW Necro Scar armor?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


Originally Posted by Apathetic
All Fissure of Woe Armor looks the same. Meaning the Gladiators Warrior FoW Chest piece looks like the Wyvern Warrior chest piece, the only difference are the bonuses it gives you (+10 Pysical Attacks, +20 Pysical Attacks and so on). This concept is the same for all classes.
Thank you very much for this tidbit of information. I absolutely love the gladiator's armor set, but absolutely hate how it looks (even with the more expensive armor looks). The FOW armor, although ridiculously high, give me some hope of having a decent looking set, eventually. I also mix and match pieces, so it's nice to know that the different armor pieces will look the same.

Wrath of m0o

Wrath of m0o

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Boston Ma.

Is That Your Build[HaHa]


What are the mods on the Fissure Helmet for Warrior ?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Wyvern- is +1 str.. +10 armor vs physical i belive.. and the only other one is ascalon- +10 armor vs physical (i think),+1 tactics and reduces dmg from attacks


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Warrington UK

Guild of the Sovereign Unity


Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
Necro scar patterns also cost 8k.

Does anyone have pictures of the FoW Necro Scar armor?
I think it still all looks the same...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Mesmer fissure armor

Deep into the FoW Windmill

Deep into the FoW Skull



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


good guide.

however, i just want to correct something. you do not need to complete the quest "khobay the betrayer" in order to get him to start crafting.

Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Blue Empire [BLUE]


Originally Posted by striderkaaru
good guide.

however, i just want to correct something. you do not need to complete the quest "khobay the betrayer" in order to get him to start crafting.
Right. Excellent guide, and good correction. Strider Kaaru is an expert on the Fissure of Woe and one of the people I always feel lucky to have in my group when I am heading to the eternal forgemaster. The trick is to go with an experienced team that knows all the quests you have to take, which quests you can skip, and which quest you ought to pick when you have a choice. I never bother with Khobay the Betrayer myself.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

near SF, CA

Does anyone have any pics of female fissure gladiator armor?

Kyle Hotson

Kyle Hotson

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lethbridge, AB

The Guild Wars Heroes


FoW armor is excelent. I cant wait to buy a set, of course that is far away, but at least this gives me a reason to continue playing after beating the game. I just hope with all this additional stuff, the game wont turn into a "Runescape" game, in which people get anoying once they achieve something high. In this case, getting FoW armor.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005




I'm happy with my 15k arm0r from the Shiverpeaks. I would only buy it cause it makes me look like a real pr0.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Originally Posted by lord_shar
Does anyone have any pics of female fissure gladiator armor?
All armors look the same, if u get wyvern or gladiator they will look the same.
page 18 of this thread post 388 is female fissure.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



thats insane never knew that monk fissure ascetics didnt require shards and in my opinion its the best monk armor. cost roughly 500k less btw does anyone have a pic of ranger fissure in a different color? i play a ranger as my main but i never wanted to buy the fow ranger fissure because i think it looks rather dissapointing but a i think it could look much better dyed.

Elrond Afil

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Question: I have never rly played Fow much, or done Eternal Forge quest.

Once u get up to the ring, and done killing all the groups aroound the guy. Forgemaster or wat ever his name is. And then all ghost appear like elemental ghost, necro ghost etc, is this all you have to do to get it forged?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Originally Posted by Elrond Afil
Question: I have never rly played Fow much, or done Eternal Forge quest.

Once u get up to the ring, and done killing all the groups aroound the guy. Forgemaster or wat ever his name is. And then all ghost appear like elemental ghost, necro ghost etc, is this all you have to do to get it forged?
No, when you talk to the forgemaster again after all teh ghosts appear he will give you 2 quests, just do the "destroy the Seeds of Corruption"
You do not have to worry about doing the other one.
Once you are done the seeds one you can go back to the forgemaster and he will show you the armor window



Join Date: Oct 2005

California Best State In the World

Undead Poet Society


nice guide



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


im gonna have fissure HOPEFULLY in 3-4 weeks?

i thought it costed only 105 ectos and shards.... clarify please!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Holy Patriots


Originally Posted by {IceFire}
im gonna have fissure HOPEFULLY in 3-4 weeks?

i thought it costed only 105 ectos and shards.... clarify please!

lol yes it is 105 of both, but i wouldn't say only, it takes quite a while to farm or get the money to buy that amount of materials



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA


Originally Posted by boxterduke
Mesmer fissure armor

Deep into the FoW Windmill

Deep into the FoW Skull
Just Wondering,

Why are you attracted to that color? I am not saying it looks bad, its just very unique.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


yeah i know it takes while. im talking about warr armor INCLUDING the helm. Still 105?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Idiot Savants [iQ]


hey there. i have noticed that you do not currently have a picture of mesmer fissure armor. let me upload a picture of mine. this is still the base green color that it came with.


EDIT: hmm, it looks cooler with the mask, so ill try to get you a better pic ^^



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Just a quick question: What part of the warrior fissure leggings/boots gets dyed?

The golden rim, the grey plates or the black... spots?

Nice guide thing by the way! Thought I needed 45 ecto's for every piece, but since I only want the leggings and boots, it will be 45 ecto's for both parts.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


the dyed part is the originally gold part for warriors.


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


links are broke, please get a new link



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

where ever there is food!

Looking for an AB Luxon Guild

what does the forgemaster look like?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Monkeyball Z

S.K.A.T. [Ban]


Originally Posted by Jetai12
what does the forgemaster look like?
a ghostly minotaur


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Note that Necro Scars and Monk Ascetics now DO require shards to be crafted as of the 3/9/06 update.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Originally Posted by deluxe
a ghostly minotaur
I think you mean centaur =)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Europian Comando force


Great Job!



Join Date: Jul 2005


with the latest patch, this thread is slightly outdated....Monk's tattoos now require Shards on top the the Ecto. and, they still require a boatload of Vellum and 8k per piece.

good luck!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by lord_shar
Does anyone have any pics of female fissure gladiator armor?

well, it's not full glads, she has ascalon boots, but it all looks the same anyway


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005


What dye did u use for RotteN?

Deadly Martini

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006




i don't mind it,that color's pretty nice, nice and classy

mitch herbort

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006


... idk


Originally Posted by Deadly Martini
i don't mind it,that color's pretty nice, nice and classy
-.- was it necassary to bump an old thread to comment on a color?



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


Here's all the images in a thread 4 below this one started 2 months ago.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Please Spell Check this guide one more time and it will be perfect.

Citadel Runner

Citadel Runner

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

LBS:The Runners Academy

Originally Posted by {IceFire}
im gonna have fissure HOPEFULLY in 3-4 weeks?

i thought it costed only 105 ectos and shards.... clarify please!
For a warrior, if you want a helm as well, and you will, its 120 ectos and 120 shards for a full 5 piece set.

Originally Posted by lord_shar
Does anyone have any pics of female fissure gladiator armor?
Originally Posted by uzumaki
btw does anyone have a pic of ranger fissure in a different color? i play a ranger as my main but i never wanted to buy the fow ranger fissure because i think it looks rather dissapointing but a i think it could look much better dyed.
Click on this link:



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


Useful guide and all but one question remains unanswered......I'm going for either Necro Tattoos or Monk Tattoos in FOW and I wanted to know if the ascetics/scar pattern armour looks like normal FoW armour or does it have a different skin? Because it would suck to pay 1000k+ for a bunch of tattoos.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

FOW tats look exactly like every other necro fow.