WTS- Perfect Gold Fiery Dragon Sword
Legendary Dryder
Fiery Dragon Sword [Req 12]
Damage +15%>50
+30 health
Bidding Starts at 200k Ends at 1000k
Bidding Closes in 4 days
Damage +15%>50
+30 health
Bidding Starts at 200k Ends at 1000k
Bidding Closes in 4 days
not worth much, first of all its a firey dragon, second 12 req, third its not perfect, no sundering or furious, but GL gettin 1mil for it
Legendary Dryder
its a fiery dragon sword you noob, it cant be sundering or furious, Fiery Dragon Swords cant have anything but FIERY HILT NOOBS
Originally Posted by Legendary Dryder
its a fiery dragon sword you noob, it cant be sundering or furious
LOL... it can be sundering or furious if u add it.....
LOL... it can be sundering or furious if u add it.....
pain in your eyes
omg i got the same sword with req=8 and if i sell it more than 300k im happy lol
Lol hes calling this guy a noob when he thinks a req12 is perfect, now thats funny...thx you made my day.
One winged angel
Originally Posted by the1
LOL... it can be sundering or furious if u add it.....
No you can't add hilts on fiery dragon swords....EVER. I dont think you'll see anyone bid B/O on this sword though. It isn't req. 8, and fiery dragon swords aren't in high demand anymore. Pls dont use that idiotic logic "The higher req. the better the sword" or " your swordsmanship should be 16 if you're lvl 20." The point is some warriors like having low req. for various builds.
Spanky Hamm
Originally Posted by FCtSteveO
Lol hes calling this guy a noob when he thinks a req12 is perfect, now thats funny...thx you made my day.
Wow you guys don't have to flame him, the mods are perfect but the requirement isn't. But, he most likely won't get 1 mill for it though...but still don't be a dick about it.
I'll give him 4K for it
Legendary Dryder
1000k is buy offer, that doesnt mean im looking for that, thats just what im putting the max at,and the mods are perfect, please dont post anything less its a bid, and please post over the minimum bid
Requirement isnt a thing if your using it for your advanced char
[But Sadly most perfect weapon buyers are horassers of low lvl arenas so they like low requirements]
Requirement isnt a thing if your using it for your advanced char
[But Sadly most perfect weapon buyers are horassers of low lvl arenas so they like low requirements]
Originally Posted by Spanky Hamm
Wow you guys don't have to flame him, the mods are perfect but the requirement isn't. But, he most likely won't get 1 mill for it though...but still don't be a dick about it.
He was the first one that fired out a NOOB reference. At that point alone he deserves to get flamed. Note to poster before you start throwing around stupid terms like that read the posting rules for this forum. 24 hours??? kinda killed your own post just from being a jerk.
Legendary Dryder
and do any of your comments have anything to do with bidding on my weapon, NO, this kind of nonsense is why i am switching it to RPG traders, no idiotic shit
Originally Posted by Legendary Dryder
and do any of your comments have anything to do with bidding on my weapon, NO, this kind of nonsense is why i am switching it to RPG traders, no idiotic shit
Sadly, RPG-Traders is even worse. You will still see flaming if you fire the "n00b" word, and wait until someone decides to screw with your auction by bidding 9999999999k on your item. Since you can't remove a bid manually, it effectively ends your auction.
Good luck either way.
Good luck either way.
Well lets see posts are free bumps, and the last time I looked a sell thread gets locked if the poster posts more than once in 24 hours. So free bump.
Legendary Dryder
if you bid max on rpg trader and dont buy it your banned from rpg trader, RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing noob.
why is this not closed yet? he posted 5 times in the past two days
Originally Posted by Legendary Dryder
if you bid max on rpg trader and dont buy it your banned from rpg trader, RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing noob.
Even if you get banned, do you know how easy it is do just rotate names/handles, e-mail services, IP's, and re-apply? It's called DHCP and hotmail, yahoo-mail, etc...
It's obvious you don't work in I.T. like I do... and you won't see me name-calling, EVER.
It's obvious you don't work in I.T. like I do... and you won't see me name-calling, EVER.
weee i started a flame war!
Episode 7: Quiet Traveller Strikes Back
Just go to rpg trader then and don't try to use another account to sneak in here
Just go to rpg trader then and don't try to use another account to sneak in here
Wow, I came looking for a sword. Guys seriously, if your not going to bid, leave him alone. I highly doubt your childish rants are going to make him a better person. If you don't like the bid...then pass it up. Good lord you all act like three year olds...if you don't get it your way it must not be right.
I guess our mistake is to hold everyone to the same behavioral standards, which is not realistic.
You are quite correct Shar.
lol this guys a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOin dick. i think the mods are laughing at this before they close it
I higly doubt 3 year olds would do this, I think Teenagers would actualy do or say things like this...seriously 3 year olds...