charm animal.

The one Casey Squid

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Northeast

Knights Of Thulcandra [KoT]


Were is it at?



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005


pre-searing? check in wizard's folly I believe... should be a ranger trainer with charm animal you can learn. He'll send you off down the path to charm a cat. At least he did for me and thats where I think you'll find him. He'll be with a collector and someone else near the entrance to Wizard's folly.




Join Date: May 2005


If you didn't get it in pre-searing, you can talk to Master Ranger Nemtre in Old Ascalon and take up the quest "Endangered Species" to get Charm Animal skill. You will need to be a ranger primary or secondary to get the skill - and only way you could have missed this skill in pre-searing is if you are a ranger primary and just rushed through to post-searing..

Olfin Bedwere

Olfin Bedwere

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Stillwater, Oklahoma


The Trainer in Pre-Searing is in Regent Valley just past the entrance, stay to the path that goes right through some Devourers. He`s with a Collector and an Animal Trainer.