______ of Enchanting Question
I've never quite figured this out: does a mod to enchanting increase the time of enchantments you cast, or enchantments cast on you?
I believe it increases the time of enchantments you cast...
I thought that, but then some other guy who teamed up with me once said it increased the enchantments cast on him, so now I'm thoroughly confused.
well give it a try; go out somewhere relatively safe, get a long duration enchantment, slap on the highest enchanting mod you can find and give it a go
Yea, it makes it very nice since I'm a Monk and I've got me a 20% longer enchant axe ^^
Makes Breeze last 12 secs and stuff... and Armor of Earth last almost 40 ^^
Makes Breeze last 12 secs and stuff... and Armor of Earth last almost 40 ^^
Yea... it just makes the enchantments that you cast last __% longer.
Ok, thanks. That'll save me from buying up a bunch of enchant mods.