IGN - Capella the White
1. 200 min - 200 c/o One Warrior - sold picked up
2. 500 min - 500 c/o One warrior - sold picked up
6. 600 min - 600 c/o Kharn Shadowfist - apparently misunderstood he won due to a rejected bid that outbid him, and there is no way to post the rejection in the thread with the 24 hour rule - did not finish transaction
9. 300 min - 300 c/o One Warrior - sold picked up
10. 200 min - 1K c/o Enchanted Slayer - did not pick up - after tracking him down in game he said he was sorry but could not buy the item - asked him to explain, he told me he was in mission and to wait, waited awhile, finally left - I would not deal with this person again
Auction ended - please see me in game for pickup - i'm on evenings
10 Axes - Chaos Gold Purple various stats
600 on number 6
IGN: Kharn Shadowfist
IGN: Kharn Shadowfist
24 hour bump
800 on 6
ign redeks monk
ign redeks monk
Xeno Breaker
300gp on #10
1. 200
9. 300
I'll take #2 as well.
9. 300
I'll take #2 as well.
800 on 6
ign redeks monk
ign redeks monk
last bump ends tomorrow at 5 PM
Auction ended - guys see me in game for your purchaces, im usually on evenings - Capella the White
Auction ended - guys see me in game for your purchaces, im usually on evenings - Capella the White