Skill trainers???
I can never find any Elementalist skill trainers around!!!!I look and look I only find stuff like weapon customizers and armor crafters and when i DID find a skill trainer in old ascalon he didnt have any skills for a pryromancer. Cna someone please tell me where an elementalist trainer is??!!
Rizzen Khalazar
Did you do the second trainer quest for ele? You get a few spells there. But, yes, the skill trainer in ascalaon is useless now, I dont know why they changed it.
Originally Posted by $hade.
I can never find any Elementalist skill trainers around!!!!I look and look I only find stuff like weapon customizers and armor crafters and when i DID find a skill trainer in old ascalon he didnt have any skills for a pryromancer. Cna someone please tell me where an elementalist trainer is??!!
Im a level 9 almost 10 E/ME so I know what your talking about. First of all I was told and I dont know how true this is....but a trainer in a town will only have skills for you to buy that you missed and could have gotten through quests in the previous area.
So.... for instance in old ascalon the trainer there in the post searing version of Ascalon only had like one skill for sale for me (Empathy).
Last night me and 3 friends fought our way through the Charr area in "The Breach" which is sorta north of Sardelac. Made our way to the city of Piken Square....then we actually fought our way through the rest of the breach all the way to a new city area named The Grendich Courthouse.
Its sorta funny that when we got there...the place only had about 10-12 people there and they were all level like 12+. We were all level 8 pretty much. Felt like we werent supposed to have made it that far hehe.
Anyway...there was a trainer there and he actually had like I think 3 Elementalist and 3 Mesmer skills I didnt have yet for sale. The only one I bought so far was Phoenix that he had.
Anyway....the basic answer to my rambling have to just keep doing all the quests you can in the area your in and as you finsih them keep moving out to another area and go further and further. Eventually youll get to new towns in harder areas and they will have the skill trainers that have things you may have missed from quests in the previous areas.
Hope any of that rambling helps. =)
I too am having problems finding a skill trainer for Monk skills. In Ascalon, Mhenlo (or whatever his name is) tells me to go speak with another Monk trainer in another town, so I go there and the monk there tells me to further my skills, I need to speak with Mhenlo?? And neither one of them have any skills to teach me.
I am level 5 with 5 skill points and nobody to spend them at?? 8(
Well, I guess I will keep trudging ahead and hope I meet someone along the way
I am level 5 with 5 skill points and nobody to spend them at?? 8(
Well, I guess I will keep trudging ahead and hope I meet someone along the way