Exhaustion... not the effect that I thought

Lance Goodthrust

Lance Goodthrust

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


[WASD] The Holy Four


I recently switched my Fire Ele to Air, and was pleased with the results, however, I wondered why my mana bar would go completely grey and take forever to regen, even though I have no minus to regeneration.

Is it true that when a spell, say Chain Lightening, says "causes Exhaustion", they mean that it makes YOU, the caster, exhausted, thus causing my little mana problem?

That seems counter-productive to me, if it's true. I notice that the fire elements have spells like that also, but I didn't notice the poor regen when I was Fire.

Is this a bug, or is this how it's supposed to be?

If so, water is looking mighty good right now.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

BC, Canada.. how aboot that eh?

All exhaustion does is make your max energy lower for a little while, a lot of good fire skills use this (which is a real pain).. as for the slower regen im not too sure.. maybe they old skill you used had less energy loss

aside from that i don't exactly know what to tell you..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

European Server or International

It doesn't slow your regen. When using air (i'm air mostly) you have to delicately balance your exhaustion spells, not casting them so often. Most of the exhaustion spells are the same (or similar) to other spells with just 1 or 2 added bonuses, so in many cases you can choose the non-exhausting spell first.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Exhaustion is a drawback on skills that makes you, the caster, suffer for casting the skill. For every level of exhaustion, your maximum energy is decreased by 10, and will recover at a rate of 1 energy per 3 seconds (so after 30 seconds you're fully recovered from one chunk of exhaustion). If you 'exhausted' your entire energy (i.e. your maximum energy is 0 temporarily), you will only regen energy as fast as your exhaustion recovers.

In exchange for the drawback, you get skills that typically offer a potent effect, such as Obsidian Flame giving high armour-ignoring damage for little energy, or Gale causing an unconditional long knockdown over distance, etc. Just take this drawback into account, sometimes it's simply worth it.


Flame Bait

Join Date: Mar 2005



the exahaustion spells are worth it you probabaly didnt notice on the fire line because of long casting times and recast times.

if exhaustion really is a problem for you consider using Glyph of energy for your elite most sites dont have it listed but in its current states it negates the exhaustion effect of your next spell


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Lions Guild


Obsidian Flame, which causes exhaustion is godly in pvp. It totally ignores armor, and does 112 pure damage (at 15 Earth). So you can kil a warrior in 4 or 5 casts, although that means cutting your max energy from 80-40 for a long time. It's a great spell when you are struggling to just finish off a monk that is clinging on to the last bit of life.

Exhaustion is about timing, it costs nothing to you if you can use it when your energy is significantly lower than it's max. Generally I will cast a couple of exhaustion spells when my energy is low - say 20 of 80...what you find then is that your energy regens to max at around the same time that you work off the effects of exhaustion.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Clan Plus [Plus]



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

can mend ailment or other condition purification spells cure exhaustion?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Originally Posted by audioaxes
can mend ailment or other condition purification spells cure exhaustion?
Only time can, there's no active 'cure' for it.