the "NEW DEAL" tales from a depressed economy
Ever since the nerf of protection bond and the invinci monk I cant sell ANYTHING. Nor can I farm as easily. The only people with money and items now are the bot farmers and ebay buyers. Is it just me, or is everyone broke now?
Explain your definition of "broke." I have about 50K through 4 characters and i feel like a rich person.. of course if everyone is raking in like 100K per hour and blowing it all on FoW only to get the money back the next day of course they will feel broke when they can no longer make an income...
Not Anet's fault, not the game's fault, not the monster's fault (for not droping anything), It is players fault.. everyone has such a high standard of how much money they should have, as usless as it is, that they are unable to adapt to normal life. For example switch places with bill gates for a day and he will feel broke simply because he is use to having so much money he can blow his nose with a $100 bill. The same works here, people have so much gold they can blow it all away on mindless junk (FoW armor) and when it finaly catches up to them they feel broke.
As i always say, its not that hard to understand if people would actualy look at the big picture
Not Anet's fault, not the game's fault, not the monster's fault (for not droping anything), It is players fault.. everyone has such a high standard of how much money they should have, as usless as it is, that they are unable to adapt to normal life. For example switch places with bill gates for a day and he will feel broke simply because he is use to having so much money he can blow his nose with a $100 bill. The same works here, people have so much gold they can blow it all away on mindless junk (FoW armor) and when it finaly catches up to them they feel broke.
As i always say, its not that hard to understand if people would actualy look at the big picture
Just buy your gold off ebay its the way to go!(sarcasm)
Puddin Tame
That's the thing about this game ,you don't need money.
Spread out through all my characters, I think I have about 7k total. I haven't farmed once. I found a gold max fellblade (through NORMAL gameplay, with henchmen) that funded grotto armour, 5:1 vampiric string and some sexy bows. Hell if I can get more than 1 group in fissure a week as a ranger, and I hate underworld trapping runs. I don't need my grotto armour, I even stuck the vampiric string on a collecters shortbow (the 5:1 string does actually give an advantage in combat, not a huge one) but i'm fine just playing the game NORMALLY. That uber gold max crystalline sword isn't going to win HoH just because it looks cool.
Spread out through all my characters, I think I have about 7k total. I haven't farmed once. I found a gold max fellblade (through NORMAL gameplay, with henchmen) that funded grotto armour, 5:1 vampiric string and some sexy bows. Hell if I can get more than 1 group in fissure a week as a ranger, and I hate underworld trapping runs. I don't need my grotto armour, I even stuck the vampiric string on a collecters shortbow (the 5:1 string does actually give an advantage in combat, not a huge one) but i'm fine just playing the game NORMALLY. That uber gold max crystalline sword isn't going to win HoH just because it looks cool.
the most you ever really Need is 60-70k for a set of godly-stated weapons<non special graphic of course>, but at that, go collector.
Everything you buy over 50k is really just overkill.
Everything you buy over 50k is really just overkill.
My necro/mesmer still gets 100+g per kill easy, and non-rare item drops get salvaged for 10+ wood per click, netting 2.5k in town per pile for about 1 hour of work. Soloing is easy, but VERY boring. At 136k and climbing...
Algren Cole
Lord_shar...dude, turn your wood into parchment and sell it for 100g each.
When i was only a young ranger, i wanted a superior vigor really bad because I needed money. So, I created a w/mo farmer (hahaha) and farmed for 2 weeks or so. After that, I gave up, deleting the w/mo. I started the next mission with my ranger, and the first drop just happens to be a gold armor for me. I identify it, Superior Vigor!
Eet GnomeSmasher
I dont get how the nerfing of the Invinci-Monk hindered anyone's ability to sell stuff. Someone explain to me.
I am one of those who will say "who needs money?" 
The thing is, once you have beaten the game and don't want to go through storyline again, what do you have left? PvP & farming for gold to buy those uber 1337 max damage weapons and FoW armor. So for them, getting the money is uber important because for them, apart from PvP they have little else to do.
Now me, I have 4 characters at different parts of the game, and am considering remaking one of them, and I know I'd never be considered "rich" in GW. I have 26K gold to my name sitting in my storage. My characters carry no gold on them except for 100-500 gold to buy new id kits or salvage kits as needed. For me I have no interest in gold as I don't need it, since everything I need I either find or get from a collector. When I finally finish the storyline and maybe want 15K armor or FoW armor.. that's another whole story.. but chances are I'll likely not be too bothered to get them. Thats just not "me" - not that I';m saying it's wrong, it's just not "me"
However I can still see why some people really want the gold - it's a goal for them to get 1 million gold, or to get FoW armor or that max damage gold chaos axe, etc. So for them.. having farming builds than can rake in the money and items is important. It's their way of extending the life of GW for them.

The thing is, once you have beaten the game and don't want to go through storyline again, what do you have left? PvP & farming for gold to buy those uber 1337 max damage weapons and FoW armor. So for them, getting the money is uber important because for them, apart from PvP they have little else to do.
Now me, I have 4 characters at different parts of the game, and am considering remaking one of them, and I know I'd never be considered "rich" in GW. I have 26K gold to my name sitting in my storage. My characters carry no gold on them except for 100-500 gold to buy new id kits or salvage kits as needed. For me I have no interest in gold as I don't need it, since everything I need I either find or get from a collector. When I finally finish the storyline and maybe want 15K armor or FoW armor.. that's another whole story.. but chances are I'll likely not be too bothered to get them. Thats just not "me" - not that I';m saying it's wrong, it's just not "me"

However I can still see why some people really want the gold - it's a goal for them to get 1 million gold, or to get FoW armor or that max damage gold chaos axe, etc. So for them.. having farming builds than can rake in the money and items is important. It's their way of extending the life of GW for them.
I need money! I wasted it all on 15k armor and now I can't buy my newest character its Drok run, its Drok armor, a bunch of new skills and a new weapon to be awesome right away and have it easier the whole game.
Sandman Uk
Originally Posted by Tharizdun
Just buy your gold off ebay its the way to go!(sarcasm)
I would think even this gold will dry up. How do these guys who sell the gold earn it.
Conspiracy theory is
Its who sell it on ebay to raise extra money lol They could create all the gold they want. I dont believe
I know its proberbly bots but I was under the impression these were banned.
Originally Posted by Sandman Uk
I would think even this gold will dry up. How do these guys who sell the gold earn it.
Conspiracy theory is Its who sell it on ebay to raise extra money lol They could create all the gold they want. I dont believe I know its proberbly bots but I was under the impression these were banned. |

oh come on, stop the conspiracy stuff guys. I know it sounds sexy, but it is silly.
Eet, you are right, it's silly to say that the nerfing of a farming build has -reduced- ability to sell things. With fewer farmers there are fewer things on the market, this will -increase- your ability to sell things.
I'll admit that I will never understand the fixation so many have with FoW armor. Even weirder then their being fixated on something hideously expensive that has -no- in-game benefit, they then complain 24/7 about how GWars economy sucks because it isn't built around providing the amount of gold that would make purchasing FoW armor practical.
I guess I'm lucky that style means nothing to me, all I care about is performance, because no way in hell I'll ever have enough money to even contemplate buying FoW armor. The interesting thing is that if you don't insist on having FoW armor then the game economy becomes much more balanced. Superior Vigor is ridiculously expensive (as are a few other superior runes), but overall I've found that I have the money to get what I need and then some.
I'll admit that I will never understand the fixation so many have with FoW armor. Even weirder then their being fixated on something hideously expensive that has -no- in-game benefit, they then complain 24/7 about how GWars economy sucks because it isn't built around providing the amount of gold that would make purchasing FoW armor practical.
I guess I'm lucky that style means nothing to me, all I care about is performance, because no way in hell I'll ever have enough money to even contemplate buying FoW armor. The interesting thing is that if you don't insist on having FoW armor then the game economy becomes much more balanced. Superior Vigor is ridiculously expensive (as are a few other superior runes), but overall I've found that I have the money to get what I need and then some.
two words: money management.
Take care of your money, don't let it take care of itself.
12 more words. Fourteen...wait sixteen...oh geez...*hits submit button*
Take care of your money, don't let it take care of itself.
12 more words. Fourteen...wait sixteen...oh geez...*hits submit button*
There was only one time where you actually needed money:
to buy sup runes and unIDed weapons to unlock them.
After they bandaided internal bleeding (aka faction), you dont need money at all. Sure, the armor selection is so poor, and most of the armor is locked behind huge prices, but so what, this game is about ... um doing medium difficult missions with henches. Or something.
to buy sup runes and unIDed weapons to unlock them.
After they bandaided internal bleeding (aka faction), you dont need money at all. Sure, the armor selection is so poor, and most of the armor is locked behind huge prices, but so what, this game is about ... um doing medium difficult missions with henches. Or something.

Shanaeri Rynale
The major reason why prices and interest is down I suspect is because everyone with money is saving it to see whats available in Sorrows furnace.
Originally Posted by Puddin Tame
and some sexy bows.
If you mean storm bows and like that, I hardly call them sexy, funny looking more like it.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by HowardJones
Is it just me, or is everyone broke now?
Jaythen Tyradel
I have enough gold to get me for the basics, however, I am working on collecting as much as I can for I know there will be new items/armor in the future. Having a gold reserve is helpful in preparation for unexpected or unseen expenses, but I dont need to max out my storage.
I never farmed - I hate doing it. I just worked the market. Only got 2 PvE char. All of my money goes to helping my guild (Drok armor, decent weapons and guild halls). Never had a 15k armor. And yes I consider myself rich.
The nerfing of invici monk has not made it harder to sell things. It was getting harder before it. I think some people finally caught on that +29 pommel should not cost 80k. It has not nothing to do with invici monks. This is a myth. Illusions of Grandeur.
The nerfing of invici monk has not made it harder to sell things. It was getting harder before it. I think some people finally caught on that +29 pommel should not cost 80k. It has not nothing to do with invici monks. This is a myth. Illusions of Grandeur.
Yea, the only reason I ever farmed was to unlock runes. Other thatn that, the only reason I ever managed to get above 100k gold was because I managed to get lucky and got two sup vigors, which I promptly sold to two guys for an exorbitantly large amount of money.
I'm still living off a superior absorb that I sold a while back when the prices were higher. I don't buy overpriced mods or 15k armor so I've got all the cash I need. The economy is undergoing some adjustments right now.
First off, I think people are realizing that they shouldn't pay 50k+ for mods that are 1 point higher than the next lowest one. Really folks... the difference between +29 and +30 is so small it's silly.
Second, and I'm one of the people doing this, people are holding off on buying right now because of the rumored new items that are going to be available when Sorrow's Furnace opens next week. Some people think a new armor crafter will be there, or that new weapons will be available. So they're "saving up for Christmas".
Finally, I get the impression that some people are just bitter about the UW solo-monks being nerfed. Sorry guys, I have no sympathy. No one should be able to solo one of the highest level areas in the game, I don't care what your class is. Adjust, adapt, and move on.
First off, I think people are realizing that they shouldn't pay 50k+ for mods that are 1 point higher than the next lowest one. Really folks... the difference between +29 and +30 is so small it's silly.
Second, and I'm one of the people doing this, people are holding off on buying right now because of the rumored new items that are going to be available when Sorrow's Furnace opens next week. Some people think a new armor crafter will be there, or that new weapons will be available. So they're "saving up for Christmas".
Finally, I get the impression that some people are just bitter about the UW solo-monks being nerfed. Sorry guys, I have no sympathy. No one should be able to solo one of the highest level areas in the game, I don't care what your class is. Adjust, adapt, and move on.
Charcoal Ann
no they aren't broke. because the invincimonk wasn't properly nerfed. it is still very workable.
personally i have never farmed, i don't have the patience. i'm currently saving for fissure armor (i have one shard :P). i only have about 50k and thats only because i found superior absorption a while ago.
personally i have never farmed, i don't have the patience. i'm currently saving for fissure armor (i have one shard :P). i only have about 50k and thats only because i found superior absorption a while ago.
Monks can still solo UW. Only now it takes both hands on the keyboard and a bit more attention in timing your spells. I guess that weeded out some of the more, let's call them, 'casual' invisi-monks
Also, if you can't sell 'anything' that means, most of the time, that 'anything' isn't worth buying.

Also, if you can't sell 'anything' that means, most of the time, that 'anything' isn't worth buying.
salja Wachi
why should you feel broke in a game where gold means nothing?
from your post i gather you have your armor and decent weapons already so what is left for you??
soyou cna say you have a mil gold?
who cares man play the game and have fun
from your post i gather you have your armor and decent weapons already so what is left for you??
soyou cna say you have a mil gold?
who cares man play the game and have fun
I spend all my money on dyes, or I give it to a friend who still needs his sparkly armor. Aside from those two things and possibly runes, there is nothing in this game worth farming money for. After buying two sets of armor for my two rpg characters, I'm pretty much done with the farming aspect of this game. I pop out into zones every once in a while to make afew thousand gold, but if I don't spend it on dyes, it normally sits in my bag.
I find it funny that anybody could claim the nerfing of a single class ability has plummeted the economy into oblivion. There wasn't much of an economy to begin with. The materials from the merchants are now selling at decent prices (the few weeks they were selling extremely high was an economic disaster), and everything else seems about normal, as far as drops go.
Random encounters with buyer story: I had a righteous maul in my bank sitting there from weeks ago farm. I go to lions arch to buy some dye and some guy is spamming WTB HAMMER NOT WAR HAMMER RAM HAMMER ETC ETC, so I showed him my righteous hammer and he exclaimed that it was exactly what he was looking for this whole time.
Normally this never happens to me, but it does happen sometimes. Somebody will be wanting exactly what you are selling, or selling what you want to buy. Its not rocket science, its a silly game.
I find it funny that anybody could claim the nerfing of a single class ability has plummeted the economy into oblivion. There wasn't much of an economy to begin with. The materials from the merchants are now selling at decent prices (the few weeks they were selling extremely high was an economic disaster), and everything else seems about normal, as far as drops go.
Random encounters with buyer story: I had a righteous maul in my bank sitting there from weeks ago farm. I go to lions arch to buy some dye and some guy is spamming WTB HAMMER NOT WAR HAMMER RAM HAMMER ETC ETC, so I showed him my righteous hammer and he exclaimed that it was exactly what he was looking for this whole time.
Normally this never happens to me, but it does happen sometimes. Somebody will be wanting exactly what you are selling, or selling what you want to buy. Its not rocket science, its a silly game.
Ok, I think everyone is looking over what REALLY is screwing up the economy. It's players starting out, seeing someone in LA selling an item for 75k. It's impatient players wanting their new armor as SOON as they arrive at a new area. This causes people to start selling items for way too much. What does this do? Anyone truly understand economics? It makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer. It's very simple. Don't buy a cheesy (meaning crappy mods) Gold Fellblade from Joe Blow for 75k. What will this do? Force him to lower his price. Won't lower his price? Fine, he's stick with a Sh***y Gold Fellblade of Crapiness. His problem now, not yours, as you'd be out of 75k if you bought it. Now he has to learn to be patient and take a week to get 15k Dragon Armor. That's good, as he will value his armor more. "Ahhhh... I finally have it! Hey honey! Come look at my Dragon's Armor! Isn't it beeeeaaaauuutiful?" This is just my opinion, but many, mostly those from the beta days, agree. Yes, items are dropping less, but ALL mmo's have fluctuations in drop rates. It's just that 5 minutes seems like forever to a little kid, and a flash to an adult. I don't mind waiting a month for things to cycle round again. And has anyone thought about the fact this could be to get people hyped when Sorrow's Furnace comes out? Imagine how happy people will be when they start getting good drops again. Will it last forever? No, probably not. Will it come around again? Most certainly.
well what I am saying is taht people dont have the turn around of items, so everyone is selling and no one is buying. probably they ARE waiting for sorrows furnace, and maybe they DO already have godly items, but i doubt that is going to cover the rest of the people who dont or arent. personally i think people are just broke. i was a casual farmer and now its nerfed i actually die farming and it makes me so upset i stopped altogether.
I hvnt tried to solo UW with my monk but I did change my build on my mo/war and can still solo the hydras easily. I can only take on 4-6 at the most or I die now but I can still make about 10-15k an hour.
i farm other places
my storage is maxxed
my cash on me is 100k
and i have 30 ectos
and i farmed after nerfs and i never use bots or anything
i do all of my playing legit
so you can make as much as you need if you play legit
i dont belive in anything else
you try till you can and then some
best wishes and may us all become legit millionares
my storage is maxxed
my cash on me is 100k
and i have 30 ectos
and i farmed after nerfs and i never use bots or anything
i do all of my playing legit
so you can make as much as you need if you play legit
i dont belive in anything else
you try till you can and then some
best wishes and may us all become legit millionares

One and Two
i have 100k in storage. i have a 55 farm monk. but i usually dont farm unless i wanna buy something, or i wanna show off to my nubbish friends who think im god. lol. but anyway, a lot of crap for 100k+ is gold, the color of piss, and thus, i feel no pressure to fill up my storage.
over all my characters and in the bank, I think i have around 200k gold 32 ectos 12 shards and most of my inventory is filled with gold items i have picked up along the way (note the first two months i played i merely sold them to the traders) I have the 15 k armour and a sword and shield that make my build a bit more effective. my armour has all the runes i need... alot of this wealth came after the recent nerfing....hell even before that i bought a guild hall for my guild when it was at 85 k (and that was before i started farming). I may not be the Rockefeller of the New Deal age but i am atleast a Carnagie

I started GW about 2 months ago, playing casually about 10~20 hour/week. I never farmed, I never eBayed.
I have a 20 monk with max armor max rod max focus item, losts of minor/major runes. I've finished the game with this char, bought/quested for ALL skills available for buy/quest, and have won many random 4v4 PvPs.
I now also have a 20 warrior with max armor max weapon, lots minor/major runes. I've almost finished the game with this, bought/quested for ALL skills available for buy/quest, and have won many random 4v4 PvPs.
I am now starting couple other characters to learn some professions with. I've given those characters some weapons and runes and all the gold they ever need, from my two lvl 20's. One of the new chars is a ranger, just passed the snowy mountain areas with mostly henchmen teams and have won many random 4v4 PvPs, wearing pre-searing newbie starter armor. My goal is to reach the forge with pre-earing newbie starter armor (without running) and laugh at those who can't play the game without running/max armor at level 1.
I still have about 80k left in the storage doing not much.
Now, tell me how is it that we can't play the game without farming 70000000k gold and 15k armor and 100k weapons again?
I have a 20 monk with max armor max rod max focus item, losts of minor/major runes. I've finished the game with this char, bought/quested for ALL skills available for buy/quest, and have won many random 4v4 PvPs.
I now also have a 20 warrior with max armor max weapon, lots minor/major runes. I've almost finished the game with this, bought/quested for ALL skills available for buy/quest, and have won many random 4v4 PvPs.
I am now starting couple other characters to learn some professions with. I've given those characters some weapons and runes and all the gold they ever need, from my two lvl 20's. One of the new chars is a ranger, just passed the snowy mountain areas with mostly henchmen teams and have won many random 4v4 PvPs, wearing pre-searing newbie starter armor. My goal is to reach the forge with pre-earing newbie starter armor (without running) and laugh at those who can't play the game without running/max armor at level 1.
I still have about 80k left in the storage doing not much.
Now, tell me how is it that we can't play the game without farming 70000000k gold and 15k armor and 100k weapons again?
I have about 450,000 and tons of gold and purple items to sell. I don't know what you guys are talking about. Money is so easy to get, I can make about 4K-6K in about 2 hours. And thats just doing a few farming paths. I have 2 character that I use as mules to carry gold or purple items, I can probably get over 1 million for them.
Porkchop Sandwhiches
Originally Posted by HowardJones
Ever since the nerf of protection bond and the invinci monk I cant sell ANYTHING. Nor can I farm as easily. The only people with money and items now are the bot farmers and ebay buyers. Is it just me, or is everyone broke now?
All you need to do is be a bit more creative about where you farm and how.
Anton H
I've found prices dropping slightly.
With the untalented farmers left on the curb, there is a lot less purchasing power in the game... and the high high prices can only suffice so long on the backs of the wealthy.
Besides, with the rumor of "Emerald" uber-rare items, I'm starting to see Crystallines and amazing Fellblades begin to hit the market again.
I do have a seven-figure bank account, but don't mind farming nerfs. AFAIK if everyone is poorer due to it, were all balanced just the same, yet "rare" items can once again be "rare".
Until then, go spam the Korean farmbots in Ember Light Camp International for good deals on unID weaponry.
With the untalented farmers left on the curb, there is a lot less purchasing power in the game... and the high high prices can only suffice so long on the backs of the wealthy.
Besides, with the rumor of "Emerald" uber-rare items, I'm starting to see Crystallines and amazing Fellblades begin to hit the market again.
I do have a seven-figure bank account, but don't mind farming nerfs. AFAIK if everyone is poorer due to it, were all balanced just the same, yet "rare" items can once again be "rare".
Until then, go spam the Korean farmbots in Ember Light Camp International for good deals on unID weaponry.
I love these changes. I can turn excess materials to traders for good money. I perfer collector items over Max Gold Blah of Blah so that has not changed. Except for the really killer runes, Black dye, Silver dye, for the most part everthing is affordible. I was never in the constant flow or paying out large qty of money in the first place. So the end result for me is everything is cheaper.
I'm at a very pitiful 4-5K spread across my characters but I'm working on a solo build W/Mo to handle areas the other characters can't. Now I'm not to concerned about soloing UW or what ever. But still... I see many ways the economy sucks so bad it hurts my eyes to see it. They ruin our abilities to make money while at the same time rising prices on what they want us to buy, thus driving the need to farm even further up and everyone knows you have to do it solo to get all the drops. Anet should have a set price on the items... or a limit on how high they can go... Even now the release of Sorrow's Furnace... the cost of buying skills from skill trainers is going up to...
Originally Posted by HowardJones
Ever since the nerf of protection bond and the invinci monk I cant sell ANYTHING. Nor can I farm as easily. The only people with money and items now are the bot farmers and ebay buyers. Is it just me, or is everyone broke now?