In order to keep the delicate balance of the game, only 1 scroll would be able to be running at any one time. If a scroll is running, another cannot be activated and it must run it's course before another can be used. Furthermore, none of the scrolls would work in PvP as that would trash it, this is solely to enhance the PvE game only.
Scrolls could be either bought, dropped from enemies, given as a reward for completing a quest, traded etc.
Some possible ideas for scrolls:
- Scroll of Protection - Offers a reduction in damage to the entire party of -3 damage, this effect lasts for 5 minutes.
- Scroll of Speed - Offers 10% faster movement to the entire party, this effect lasts for 5 minutes.
- Scroll of Fire Retardance - Offers limited protection against fire attacks, 20% less damage, effect lasts for 10 minutes.
- Scroll of Power - Offers energy regeneration of +1 to the entire team for 5 minutes.
- Scroll of Vampirism - Whenever an enemy dies, the entire team gains 5hp and 2energy.
Opinions? Please read the bold bit before replying, as I don't want flames telling me i'm an idiot because this would ruin PvP
Oh, and feel free to suggest other scrolls, this is just the tip of the iceberg.