How do you tell what spells are on your mob?
As a mesmer I am constantly guessing if my Backfire or Empathy have run their duration or have been removed, or even if the Backfire or Empathy have done any damage, no damage floats above their head, so is there any way to get this information?
if its on there will be a purple downwards arrow at the right of the enemy's lefe bar. brown for a condition. purple for a hex.
it doesn;t tell u how much the damage does above his head but if you see them casting a spell( backfire) or attacking(empathy) theirlife bar should drop a little telling u that damage was dealt.
it doesn;t tell u how much the damage does above his head but if you see them casting a spell( backfire) or attacking(empathy) theirlife bar should drop a little telling u that damage was dealt.